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'He's always like that.'

Three weeks later

Jimin yawns and stretches his arms. A beautiful morning where the sun is shining so brightly. He always loves to wake up to a beautiful morning.

- Good morning, mom!

- Aigoo, have you slept well?

- Yeah. What's for breakfast?

- You're favorite. Oat cereal with fruits.

Jimin grins and hugs his mother. He is trying to keep healthy and a perfect fit figure in case he ends up in a serious situation.

- I love you so much~

- Am I interrupting anything?

Taehyung peeks from behind the wall. Jimin shakes his head and spreads his hand. Taehyung always is the loved one by both of the omega's since no one else is here besides him.

- Taehyung-ah, great timing.

Jimin's mother quickly runs to the counter and comes back to the kitchen with a letter in her hand.

- The leader has sent this to you.

Taehyung looks so lost and grabs the letter. Jimin sighs and snatches the letter from Taehyung's hand, ripping it and inhaling.

-Dear Taehyung, I'm happy about your new promotion. I'm really happy to hear about your transfer-

Jimin stops and turns to Taehyung. He never thought of Taehyung leaving him, he had Taehyung by his side as long as he can recall and now suddenly his parting is like he crashed into a wall.

- Tae, what is this?!

Taehyung presses his lips together. He knew about his sudden posting but he was nervous and afraid to tell Jimin since Jimin doesn't have anyone else than him to rely on for now.

- Yeah. .about that...I'm moving...

- But! Why! Why all of a sudden! Most importantly...WHERE!

- Back to Daegu.

- Why!

- Ah...the leader of Daegu needs help. So, they choose me.

Jimin sat down on his seat, being completely heartbroken by this news.


  Stop joking around! Is this a prank? Then you got me....tell me this is a joke...

Taehyung kneels as well. He hates when he sees Jimin almost at the edge of crying. He never wants Jimin to cry as he did for certain someone.

- It's not a joke. I'm moving today. I'm sorry.

Jimin looks at Taehyung as tears forms in his eyes. He hates himself now and he hates how he is reacting, he was too dependent on Taehyung that he forgot that Taehyung also needs to feel free than trapped in Jimin"s feels.

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