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Jimin finished his shift and was about to head home but he stopped to text Yoongi, he wanted to pick him up and walk to the park for a few hours before heading home. He was going to text but instead, he called Yoongi, hoping that he wasn't busy and he interrupted him.

Yoongi's phone was ringing but Yoongi wasn't picking it up until, at the last ring, Jimin heard a small 'hum'.

- Did I disturb you?

Jimin asked because he didn't mean to bother yoongi if he was working.

'No, I was almost done. Why did you call?'

Jimin gulps because he can sense that Yoongi was a little bothered by this.

- You can just say that I bothered you, anyways talk to you-

'You never bothered me it's just....this is wrong timing, and I don't want to talk about it now.'

Jimin heard a chuckle on the other side and he immediately got the matter that Yoongi was with someone.

- Okay ..well, I was going to come over-

'No need, please for once.'

Jimin sensed the warning coming from Yoongi's words and nodded.

- Okay, be home soon.


Jimin hung up and quickly walked off home, he was having a bad feeling that Yoongi might be warning him about something that can be dangerous but Jimin halts on his way.

He frowns as he rethinks the whole conversation. Then he felt that why is he running like a classic omega...he isn't like a normal omega who will cower in fear, he was trained and powerful enough to beat any alphas who set eyes on him except the one who he tolerates now.

- Was he lying...

Jimin turns back and walks toward the other way, he was curious and doubtful of this whole matter and he went with instincts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi sighed after ending the call which took a while, he turned back to the man who looked amused all of a sudden.

- Look here, I don't have any idea how you know about us and what you want from us but keep Jimin away from this, he can't be a part of this.

The man sighs but his smile never left.

- It's all about Jimin, why should I leave him alone where I need him the most.

Yoongi grit his teeth as a growl leaves his lips.

- Why? What kind of plan do you have?!

The man chuckles as he eyes Yoongi.

- Now, now, don't get too excited. I won't harm him, it's just a small test to do with him.

Yoongi was confused but he knows that he can't trust this man at all.

- He's not a ratlab! He's my mate, my omega and you need to get over by me before laying a finger on him!

Yoongi growled but that man also growled back this time.

- Kid, I'm doing this for his best.

- I don't trust you at all.

- I don't need your trust.

Yoongi growls until he stops when a familiar scent his nose. His eyes widen and he immediately runs out, he turned the corner to see his omega, looking at his phone before lifting his head.

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