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The next few weeks went like everything was normal, Jimin has been busy with work and patrolling.

Yoongi has been busy as well, the company has pilled up a lot of work for Yoongi and he has been working nonstop. But he promised Jimin that he will meet up with him once in a while.

As promised, Jimin was waiting for him on his duty with Hoseok who yawns.

- Yoongi's coming?

Jimin nodded while looking around for Yoongi, he pulled out his phone to check.

- Are you two getting back together again?

- I'm testing him now. If he passes then- Oh, he is here.

Yoongi ran up to them and smiled at Jimin.

- Hey.

Jimin sighed before walking up to him and cupping his face before pressing a kiss on his lips.

- Late.

- I know, I'm sorry.

Hoseok eyes them weirdly because of how close they are like they used to when they were together. But watching them separately was a usual thing than seeing them being together again.

- What?

Jimin asked when he caught Hoseok staring at them, Yoongi gave a small smile while looking at Hoseok.

- Nothing, it's just weird to see that you two are together...

Jimin slightly glared at Hoseok, Hoseok suddenly getting an old shiver from before.

- Any problem with that? Can't we pretend that?

Hoseok tilts his head to the side.

- Pretend?

- Actually, me and Jimin decided that we will pretend like we are together until ...Jimin finally gives me a chance by this.

- You can say that this is a test for Yoongi.

Yoongi nods as Jimin smiles at him, Hoseok was confused but surrenders quickly.

- Whatever! Let's go! I have to go home and sleep!

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- Looks like no trouble tonight!

Hoseok yawns while stretching. Their shift just ended, they were waiting for the other group to show before they leave.

- Aren't they being late tonight?

Jimin pointed out while staring in the direction, he knows that that group will be late so they did some extra time but this time, they are being super late.

- Those kids may be roaming around than being on duty.

Yoongi spoke, he hates to wait but as long as his with Jimin he can stay.

- I think they are in danger...

- Jimin, what kind of danger they will be in! They are some lousy kids!

Jimin stays quiet, only Yoongi noticed the change when he looked at Jimin.

- I think Jimin is right.

Hoseok groans at them, Yoongi noticed how Jimin's scent changes to sour as he is nervous.

- We should check.

- Agreed.

Hoseok sighs before shaking his head slowly.

- I can't win against two.

- We should spilt our ways so that we can find them, okay?

Jimin says and almost walks away until Yoongi grabbed his hand to stop him.

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