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After getting Jimin's scent back, he went back to work. Yoongi also was called back to his company for work, Namjoon announced that he and Jin finally settled down.

Taehyung came back to town again and he have meet someone who he is crushing now.

Jimin hums as folds the blankets of the kids who finished their nap. The boss was talking on the phone as Jimin notices that one of the kids, was about to make a mess and he immediately rushed there to stop him.

The duty hour was over, all the parents came to take their kids with them and Jimin smiled at the last parent who came late to pick up the shyest girl in this daycare. The girl waves at Jimin who does the same before closing the door behind him.

- Great work, Jimin-ssi.

Jimin smiled at his boss, she came to him and hand out an envelope.

- Your payment for this month.

Jimin accepts it and bowed at her.

- Thank you so much! I will work very hard!

His boss smiles as she pats his shoulder.

- Go home then, be safe, Jimin-ssi. It's already late.

Jimin nods as he removes the apron and gathers his stuff.

- Then I'll be off, see you on Monday!

The boss waves at him as he exits the daycare, it was late. The last parent was late to pick up their kid so they needed to stay until she was picked off.

Jimin checks every store which he passes as he walks to his home, he stops at a few to check the latest item before proceeding again until...

'Looks like you have grown up just to be as I predicted.'

Jimin turns around to see a man in a suit, looking at the store display, he turns to Jimin with a creepy smile on his face.

- Who are you?

The man steps closer to Jimin who backs off, guarding his back to see if anyone traps him in between.

- I will tell you all about it but it's been a while since I have seen you. I still remember when you were born, you looked weak and so my prediction was right when I heard you will be an omega.

Jimin grit his teeth, this man knows him but he can't pinpoint who is this man...

- I guess you were there when I was born, a doctor?

The man shakes his head.

- More than that. Your mother knows me very well, I'm afraid she never told you because she wanted a happy baby.

Jimin furrowed his brows as he stares, intensely at the man who looks a little familiar. His features are quite similar to him, but still, this man knows a lot.

- Are you still living in that house? 5D, east corner one with the white walls and brown shades?

Jimin gasped when he described his home so detailedly.

- You know a lot of my information. Who exactly are you...

The man smirks.

- Your partner's behavior rubbed on you, huh? He is stubborn as you are, Jiminie.

- How do you know my name? Who are you? Answer me!

Jimin yells, being scared now that this man knows all.

Stalker? No, secret assassin...

- Relax, child. Don't get overwhelmed.

The man steps closer and Jimin smelled the air and the scent felt familiar, he knew this scent...he has smelled it before but he can't remember where...

- Here, look at this.

The man hands him a picture, of a baby. He inspects it closely until he finds out it's his old baby picture that he never saw. Jimin was scared now, very scared that he was shaking at this point.

- W-Who..are y-you...

The man smiled, he reached for Jimin's head and gently caresses.

- It's been a while, my son...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi came home, thinking Jimin would be mad at him for being so late. But he found every light off, he walked inside, guards up, prepared to attack anyone. He walked inside to peek at each room until he heads to their room to check, but fortunately, he saw a lump on the bed.

Yoongi sighed and turned the lights on to see the lump better.

- Why haven't you turned the lights on? That scared the shit out of me...

Yoongi got nothing as a response, he sighed again, thinking that Jimin might be mad at him.

- I'm sorry, that I took too long.

Yoongi sat in the bed and put his hand on the lump. He felt a small shuffle but no response.

- Jimin?

- Leave me alone...

Yoongi tilts his head, he has tolerated Jimin's mood swings before but why does he sound so dark?

- Is everything okay?

Jimin doesn't respond again.

- Jimin! I'm talking to you!


The blanket flew away, and Jimin glared at Yoongi with bloodshot eyes.

- Jimin...what happened...

- Get out...

Yoongi nods in defeat before leaving the room, he will wait till morning to talk about it.

The next morning, Yoongi woke up when he heard the bedroom door being slammed open. He saw Jimin walking out of the room with his luggage.

- Wait! Where are you off to?!

Jimin glares at him as he proceeds to walk out but Yoongi blocks his path.

- Omega!

Jimin stood there, glaring at the alpha who raised his voice at him.

- Don't you fucking dare to scare with your voice! I'm not afraid of you.

- Why are you being like this? What happened?

- Oh, now I have to explain why am I doing this! Very matured!

- Jimin, stop. Let's talk, okay?

- Do you think you alphas can always dominate us? Just talking won't solve this!

- What's going in your head?

Jimin pulls out a card, it was the same card that the man gave him when he showed up in Yoongi's studio the other day.

- How did you...

- How could you hide this from me? Do you have any ideas about how much this can help me?

- Jimin! That's a bad idea! That man is a bad case!

- I know that man and I can't believe you hide this from me.

- You know him! Who is he?

- None of your business! Now, get the fuck off. I'm leaving!

Yoongi grabbed Jimin's wrist to stop him.

- Where are you going?

- Hell.

Jimin yanked his hand back and walked off. Yoongi was dumbfounded by the whole situation, he wasn't sure why Jimin need that man...how come he knows that man...

Things just got ugly...


Well, tada? Surprise?

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