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Jimin renewed his mark and that was a problem, because he smells like Yoongi now, so the kids at the daycare don't like coming to him anymore.

Jimin sat in the corner, crying fake tears. Because he was rejected by Min-joonie as well, the baby just started to cry when he picked him up.

- Cheer up, Jimin-ssi! You just had to do that or else it would've been a problem. I hope your alpha understands it.

Jimin turns back and sniffles.

- He's not my alpha...

The boss was surprised by Jimin's words.

- Then...it was forceful-

- No...he is my mate but I don't like to call him 'my alpha's, it stinks...

The boss chuckled before cradling the baby in her arms.

- Why don't you head home today since the kids are not like you?

Jimin made puppy eyes at his boss.

- Are you firing me?

The boss blinked before laughing.

- No, silly! Gosh! Go home!

Jin gets up and wipes his tears, he glanced at the baby Min-Joon, hoping that he will jump back into his arms but Min-Joon turns to the boss.

- Min-joonie ~

Jimin almost cried again but Min-Joon kept his head to the boss.

- He will come back to you when he will smell your scent again.

- Yeah...I'll come back with my scent, Min-joonie.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi pacing around at home, because he was worried about that mysterious guy who showed up that other day and he knows a lot of them.

He grabbed his phone to call Jimin and he waits until the call got received.

'You can stop pacing like that...'

Yoongi stops and turns around to see Jimin entering the room with his phone against his ear. He sighs as he ends the call, Yoongi rushed to Jimin to smell him and he can only smell his scent.

Yoongi sighs in relief before facing Jimin who was a little sad and annoyed.

- What's wrong, pumpkin?

Jimin shoves Yoongi away and lays down on the bed, he was annoyed by Yoongi.

- Nothing.

Yoongi can sense that Jimin is annoyed and there's nothing he can do unless...

- I was thinking to cook lunch, any ideas for lunch?

Jimin groans and rolls away to his side.

- Maybe hamburgers with fries?

Yoongi glances at Jimin who sends a small groan.

- For dessert...I'm thinking ice cream with lots of sprinkles.

That last part did the work and Jimin turned back with sparkling eyes, Yoongi knew that Jimin loves the idea of eating those and since he's an omega....well, omegas like sweet things.

- So, should we get going and prepare?

Yoongi held his hand out for Jimin to accept who sighs before reaching for the hand that sizes bigger than his.

Yoongi pulls Jimin up and wraps his arms around the omega who was shocked by it. Yoongi nuzzle his nose onto Jimin's cheek who groaned a little.

- Why are you being sad, omega...

Jimin sighs, and tries to push Yoongi off but he wasn't in a mood, of course, he can beat Yoongi's ass any moment but now, he felt weak..after renewing the mark, Jimin was feeling much...soft and small.

- Can you stop...

Yoongi finally pauses when he saw the discomfort on Jimin's face.

- What's wrong?

Jimin hesitates to talk about what happened at the daycare because it's not Yoongi's fault anyway.

Yoongi being the stubborn alpha, cups Jimin's face and makes him look at him. Jimin stared at the alpha who looked serious and worried, Yoongi examines Jimin's eyes, pretty blue ones.

- Jimin..tell me what happened...

Jimin sighs and finally had enough courage to tell the problem to Yoongi.

- The baby ..at the daycare...

Yoongi's eyes were wide in fear.

- Is he okay?

Jimin was surprised by Yoongi's expression.

- Yeah, he's fine. But he was crying a lot when I went closer to him...so the boss took him away from me...and kept him away from me...

- Why is that so?

Jimin exhales again.

- Because he can't smell my scent on me and thought of some stranger...pups are attracted to omegas scent ..that's why moms stay beside them all the time.

Yoongi smiled slightly before pressing a kiss on Jimin's forehead.

- It's okay, you will get your scent back in 2 days.

Jimin pouts as he gently touches the mark on his neck.

- It still hurts...

Yoongi leans closer and licked the place, sending a shiver to Jimin's body.

- Alpha's saliva helps to recover.

Jimin smiles as he wraps his arms around Yoongi's neck to kiss his nose, he used to do this when they were together.

- Yoongi...

- Hm...

- What are we now...

Yoongi stares at Jimin as he stares back again.

- We are what you think we are.

Jimin giggles.

- We are some weird couple now, who are not together (officially) yet live under one roof. Huh, funny.

Yoongi chuckles as well.

- More like a married couple who fights a lot.

Jimin laughs but stops quickly when the thought of setting down came.

- Do you ever want to settle down?

Yoongi hums as he pretends to think.

- I do want to start a family as soon as possible.

Jimin bit his lips.

- Do you like pups then?

- Of course, if it's mine then I would love to parent them no matter how hard it is.

Jimin smiled as he nuzzle his nose to Yoongi's.

- Well, let's see what the moon goddess has planned for you...

- And you.

Yoongi finished and Jimin blushed.

- I'm hungry! Cook me hamburgers!

Yoongi chuckles before kissing the omega.

- Let's go!


Sorry, for making a short chap. But do enjoy it.

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