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A few days passed, and Jimin got involved with the daycare much more than before. He takes care of the baby more than other kids because he's the only omega there.

The kids also love him, they always run to him whenever they need something. Jimin gladly helps them out, he got attached to kids.

Yoongi also noticed the change in Jimin as well and he isn't complaining about it. He was worried that Jimin couldn't get along in there but it seems Jimin was always ready for it.

Even though Jimin was trained and much stronger than any omegas, he still have the heart to treat those kids like how an omega should have.

The baby in the daycare grew on Jimin as well, he always cries for Jimin and refuses to drink the bottle until Jimin let him suck on his chest. It is weird but babies are like that, Jimin slides it down because it also relaxes him.

- Jimin-ssi, Min-Jonnie is crying again.

Jimin perks his head up when he heard the name and quickly excuses himself to help the crying baby.

- What's wrong? I fed him a few minutes ago...

- I don't know he started to cry when I tried to put him in the crib.

Jimin stares at the baby who was crying like his life is depending on it.

- I will take care of this, can you help Aria with her clothes?

His boss nods before leaving Jimin in the room with the crying baby.

- Min-joonie, what's wrong, sweetie? Do you have a dirty diaper?

Jimin checks the baby's diaper but it wasn't wet at all.

- Then what is the problem, Min-joonie...

The baby cries loudly and Jimin had no other choice than to pick him up and hold him close to his chest. The baby slowly stops crying and leans into Jimin.

- Such a troublesome kid.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi was working as usual until he heard a knock on his door. The receptionist came and she looked a little scared.

- What's wrong?

- Um..you have a visitor...

- A visitor...

Yoongi checks his watch before turning to the receptionist.

- Who is it?

- I don't know...he said he wants to meet you.

- 'He'? It's a guy, but I haven't called anyone.

Yoongi notices the nervous eyes of the receptionist.

- Anything bothering you?

She bit her lips, she tries to not speak but she gives up and opens her mouth.

- He looks a little suspicious...so be careful...

Yoongi narrows his eyes before nodding and walking out to meet this 'visitor'.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jimin was on his break, all the kids including the baby were sleeping as he and his boss was taking their break.

- Say, Jimin-ssi, you are very good with babies. Have you taken care of any previously?

Jimin chuckles then shake his head.

- Never, ma'am. This is my first time, and I am surprised as you as well. I never held a baby in my life, but while taking care of Min-joonie, I feel like I have to protect this child no matter what, and he isn't my blood ...I still feel that way.

Jimin's boss smiles as she pats Jimin's head.

- It's because your inner self feels like that. We, omegas are very protective of our babies or anyone's baby. Baby or pup is one Omega's weakness after their mate.

Jimin nods as he receives the new information.

- So, I'm happy that you got used to it sooner.

Jimin smiles widely at her, now he has a new thing to worry about.

- How will Yoongi ..react to a pup...


Yoongi intensely stares at the person, sitting across from him. This person looks a lot similar to someone he knows and he can't shake that feeling off.

- Well, looking at you I'm certain that it was a good choice.

Yoongi was confused when he heard those words, coming from the man who was sitting at the table. Yoongi sits down across from that man and glares at him. He doesn't know anything about this guy and he looks creepy. So, not being nice to this guy, Yoongi chooses to be rude.

- What kind of business do you bring here?

Yoongi asked being curious about this person.  The person smiles as his eyes disappear. He leans on his hands as he looks at Yoongi.

- I have come here to talk to you about a certain someone that you know.

Yoongi was confused at this point, he knows a lot of people and who is this person pointing at?

- I'm a social guy, I know a lot of people. Who is this certain someone?

The person chuckles a little.

- An omega.

Yoongi scoffs.

- There are a lot of omegas, be more precise-

- An male omega.

Yoongi pauses when that guy cut in and said those words, Yoongi was a little surprised but quickly recovered from his shock.

- I know quite a few male omegas.

The person smiles creepily now as he eyes Yoongi.

- This certain male omega is the one you know the most.

Yoongi gulps and he was having a bad feeling right now.

- Do you have any information about this certain male omega that you speak of?

The person nods as he leans back on his chair.

- Park Jimin.

Yoongi's blood runs cold when he heard that name.

- I have heard that you two are mates, is that true?

'He knows a lot about us...who is this person...'

- You happen to know a lot of things. Now, answer my question.

Yoongi leans closer and he releases his alpha phonemes.

- Who are you?

The person smirks as he pushes Yoongi back with his index finger touching Yoongi's forehead.

- Be patient, kid. I'm just here to talk.

Yoongi was having a bad feeling and he got the idea that something bad will happen to him or Jimin. Mostly, Jimin.

'Jimin, go home straight please..'


Sorry for the short chap. But can you guys guess who this unknown person is? Who he is related to?

Leave your guesses!

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