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The next morning, Jimin woke up first. The sun hits him in the face and he groans a little before getting up but he fell because his head hurts so much.

- Uh...

He looked around and saw that his in his room and his clothes from last night. He grabbed his neck quickly and sighed in relief when he only felt the mark that Yoongi made years ago. He sniffed a little and catch up with some scent that doesn't belong to him or anyone in this house...

With curiosity he went down but pauses on the stairs when he saw someone lying on the couch, sleeping peacefully. Jimin walks closer and saw Yoongi and he looks so...

- Cute.

Jimin sat Infront of him and stares at Yoongi's sleeping face, it's a thing that Jimin loves to do whenever he sees Yoongi is sleeping. Jimin sniff a little and inhaled Yoongi's scent, he loves Yoongi's scent and he won't lie that it doesn't calm him down.

- I want to know what happened...

He traced Yoongi's face with his finger and sighed.

- But it's too hard...

- It's not hard if you give me a chance...

Jimin almost flinched when he heard that voice, Yoongi opened his eyes and stared at Jimin who was still touching Yoongi's face.

- Just let me explain...

Jimin sighed and removes his hand, getting ready to leave but Yoongi grabs his hand.

- Jimin...

- I don't want your explanation...

- Please...

Jimin inhales before gently removing his hand until Yoongi grabs them again. But now he pulled Jimin down, making him sit on his side.

- You-

- That day ..what you heard was a lie.

Jimin glared at Yoongi, trying to escape but Yoongi kept grabbing Jimin's hands.

- That girl was trying to make a scene so that she can replace you. She was jealous of you that she wanted to remove you forever.

Jimin stops and stares at Yoongi being surprised.

- Then why ...why did you...

- I didn't. She made a scene where it looks like I was making out with her but it wasn't me in the first place...

- She made someone dress up like me so that it looks like it was me...so she set it up so that people see it and talk about it and ...it went to your ears and ...

Jimin doesn't want to believe it but it sounds real because he knows Yoongi, he has never been interested in anyone after being mates with Jimin.

- Are you telling the truth...

- I am. Believe me, if you don't then ask Jin-Hyung, he knows about it as well.

Jimin looks down and thinks for a moment before sighing, Yoongi was waiting for what Jimin has to say but Jimin looks up with a different look.

- I...I want to ..go back ...like we used to be ..but ...

- But?

Jimin bit his lips and looks away, fear consumed him for some reason.

- After last night...I don't know if I can...

Yoongi sighed, he get it that last night left a bad scar on Jimin and now, he will distance himself from the alphas until he feels safe again.

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