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Yoongi stared at the person that was smirking at them, he doesn't like anything about this. He doesn't like watching Jimin like this, he never wanted this...or he did.

- So, why don't we put him on a test?

Mr.P turns to Yoongi and smirks.

- Alpha vs. Alpha?

Yoongi groans at him, he can't fight Jimin, not like this.

- Face it, brat. I made my son much stronger than you, so let's see who wins.

Yoongi was dragged down and Hoseok watches as Jimin cracks his neck and gets ready.

Yoongi was thrown out in the middle, he lift his head to see Jimin staring at him with a killer look.

- Jimin...

Jimin cracked a smile.

- If you're looking for that pathetic omega one, then I'm sorry to tell you, he's dead.

Yoongi grits his teeth and got onto his feet.

- Give me my Jimin back.

Jimin sends a cocky smile at Yoongi.

- Your Jimin? When did you own him? He wasn't yours. I am him now, but much stronger.

- The Jimin I know never wanted this!

Jimin chuckles.

- Oh, do you have any ideas about his wishes?

Yoongi gasped.

- Jimin always wanted to be strong, he wanted to be as equal as the alpha and he didn't need an alpha to protect him always, he wanted to get strong for his own but you...

Jimin sends a disgusted look at Yoongi.

- You ruined everything, you always stick to him! You made him look weak!

- Jimin wasn't weak!

- Shut up! You don't know how much he suffered! He was hurt after that scene you created!

Yoongi steps closer to Jimin, he never would hurt him or make him look weak to anyone. He loves that boy, so much that he can kill anyone for him.

But this time this person who is standing Infront of him isn't the boy he loved nor the one he will protect but... If Jimin is still there then, he will sacrifice anything to save him.

- Jimin..no, whoever you are...let's talk.

Jimin chuckles darkly.

- Suit yourself then.

Yoongi stood there until he felt a sharp pain on his cheek, he touched his cheek to find blood. He slightly turns back to where Jimin was standing down. He was fast, too fast for eyes to catch.

- See, even your alpha eyes couldn't detect me.

Hoseok grit his teeth, he wants to help but he's helpless now. Mr.P on the other hand clapped in excitement.

- Impressive! The method works!

Jimin lifts his head to Mr.P and glares.

- Do you want me to kill this alpha?

Mr.P smirks when he turns to Yoongi who was clueless about the whole scene.

- If you want to then do as you please, my son.

Yoongi groaned and glared at Mr.P when he uttered those words.

- What the fuck! Stop him!

Hoseok shouts but Mr.P ignores him.

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