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Two weeks later, Yoongi was discharged and went back home where Jimin arranged a small welcome home party for him.

Taehyung, Hoseok, and Namjin helped him to pull that off, Yoongi liked it because it was fewer people than expected.

The doctors told Yoongi to rest for 2 days before starting working again, Jimin started working a week before and the boss of his workplace heard everything that happened and felt sad for letting him leave alone that day. Ever since that day, she calls her husband and tells him to get Jimin home safely. Jimin tried to oppose that idea but she insisted and Jimin couldn't argue with a pregnant woman too.

Yoongi was glad that Jimin was back to being himself again, but sometimes he gets sad for thinking about it Yoongi tries to make him ignore those and focus on them.

Yoongi became friends with the boss's husband who always walks Jimin off home and Yoongi is thankful to that person for being so thoughtful.

Yoongi and Jimin want to start over all again, Yoongi set up a few dates and they went on all of them. They even patrol together since Jimin is now more acting like he should than pretending to be an alpha.

Just like any other day, they started their day and Yoongi have work today.

- Jimin, I'm taking off-

He stops midway when he saw Jimin, Jimin finished tying his hair, he decided to grow them and now he can make a small ponytail with it. That beautiful mustard blonde suits him, blues shines when the lights hit them.

- Oh, you are taking off.

Yoongi checks Jimin's outfit and he looks so soft in those, he has never seen Jimin in such clothes before, he never knew Jimin owned those kinds of clothes.

- Yeah..but that outfit...

Jimin noticed and smiled.

- I changed my wardrobe when you were still unconscious. I decided that I'll be more like who I am than who I pretend to be.

He turns back to the mirror and fixes his huge cream sweater.

- And I like how I look, so I hope you won't mind looking at me like this.

Yoongi shakes his head, he always wanted that but the strong figure Jimin was also a sight to his eyes.

- No, I will enjoy seeing you like this. This shows the real you but I won't mind if you dress like old you as well. That part suits you as well. Strong and bold, kicking alpha asses.

Jimin chuckles.

- I still know the moves so be careful with that mouth of yours.

Yoongi licks his lips.

- My mouth can do a lot of things if you ask ~

Jimin turns red and storms out without looking at Yoongi, but Yoongi grabbed his arm to pull him back. Capturing him in between the walls and himself, Yoongi leans in for a kiss but Jimin blocks Yoongi's lips with his hands.

- No!

- Why?

- I'm getting late...

- So am I.

Jimin gulps as he stares at Yoongi who never took his eyes off the beauty in Infront of him.

- Yoongi...I have to go...

- Let me kiss you or kiss me.

- Yoongi~

- This or that.

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