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' You became more beautiful than before... '

Jimin's face slightly turns red but he smacked the cotton wipe on Yoongi's wound and later on, he earned a painful groan.

- Well, I was always beautiful. And you have no right to say those words to me anymore.

Yoongi endured the pain and stared at Jimin who had a pout on his face.

- Well, who has the right then?

Jimin pretends to think before smirking at Yoongi.

- I'm meeting a new guy next Sunday, a blind date if I say.

Yoongi's right eyes twitched because he hates the idea of letting Jimin go on a blind date with someone else.

- Who might that be?

Yoongi asked being obvious that he didn't like the idea. Jimin's smirk grew, he knows that Yoongi has a jealous side in him.

- Hm..so far mom has said, that guy owns an international farm and he is a successful businessman.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and scoffed.

- Oldtimer.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's chin and make him look at him.

- Why? Are you jealous ~

Yoongi rolled his eyes, Jimin smiles at himself. He can tease Yoongi all day without sparing a sweat.

- I was and am successful too. I make money more than an old timer.

Jimin's smile dropped when Yoongi said those words.

- I never said the money can make me happy, Yoongi.

Yoongi stopped ignoring Jimin and turns back.

- I always wanted the love I deserved and the priority. Not some rumors and gossip.

Yoongi sighed and pulled Jimin closer by his waist but Jimin stopped him.

- Let me treat you then ...go home.

With that Jimin continued to treat Yoongi's wounds and wiping the blood from his face.

When he was done, he gathered all the things and was about to get up but Yoongi kept him still.

- Are you sure about this blind date...

Jimin stared at Yoongi's hand before sighing.

- I wish we were together so I wouldn't have to go in the first place. But now, it seems ....I'm certain of what will happen next.

Jimin removes Yoongi's hands-off from his waist and gets up. He walked back to the kitchen and came back.

- Go home, sleep. You will recover a lot.

With that Jimin walked out from the cafe, leaving Yoongi alone in there. The manager lady came back and saw Yoongi with his head low.

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