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As planned Jimin joined the daycare and it was his first day there. Jimin was a little worried but the one who was more worried than him...was Yoongi.

- Can I drop you off?

- No, thanks. It's nearby. I can walk.

- But! I'm free and I can drop you off! Or I can walk with you!

- No, thanks. You can take a break. I'll be fine!

- But! Jimin, please! Let me come with you!

Jimin had enough of this and finally snapped.


Yoongi shut his mouth and stared at Jimin who exhales, he fixes his shirt again and glared at Yoongi.

- If I see your ass near that area, I'll make sure you see stars!

Jimin smirks while eying Yoongi who looks like a small, wet puppy.

- Good boy, now stay home and be a good boy until I come back.

Yoongi freeze up when he felt a pair of lips on his cheek, Jimin gave him a sly smile before exiting the door.

- He ...has gotten comfortable around me...

Yoongi blushes as he walks back to his room and rolls around.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jimin arrives at his workplace and the boss immediately dresses him up, he was finished just in time when a kid walked in.

- Welcome, Hana.

The boss greets the parent and the kid, who is looking adorable in Jimin's book. That kid had two pigtails with a cute yellow dress and a backpack behind her.

- I will be dropping her off- Who is that?

The parent ask while pointing at Jimin who was clueless about the whole conversation. He was so mesmerized by that baby.

- Jimin? Jimin-ssi?

Jimin was knocked off from his daze and faced the parent who looked concerned now. Jimin grew red and quickly bowed, he has never been this embarrassed in his life.

- I'm sorry! I was spacing out!

The parent giggles with his boss, Jimin was so embarrassed that he couldn't meet their eyes until he felt a small tug on his pant.

He looks down to his right and saw that cutie with pigtails, staring at him at an angle.

- Mister, are you okay?

Jimin's heart melted, he never has encountered this kind of action before. All he did in his life is to avoid alphas after Yoongi's incident, he trained himself and restrained himself from his omega self, and kept ignoring his urges to buy cute adorable things.

- I'm okay.

He answered when he was finally regained to speak after that encounter.

- Mister, your ears and face are red...

She points out at Jimin's face who covers his face immediately. He was so embarrassed and shy.

- Hana, this is our new teacher at the daycare.

Jimin nods while covering his face. He felt another tug on his pant and he peeked to see the girl was staring at him with big doe eyes.

- Mister...

Jimin gulps because he was nervous, he never encountered kids that much.

- You are cute.

The girl gives him a big smile and that smile melts Jimin's heart, he slowly uncovers his face, and his eyes water up.

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