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Jimin's mom came by because Jimin had a check-up, Jimin waited for her and he was playing with his fingers until he saw his mom.

They hugged and went for the checkup, Yoongi hasn't woken up still. But Jimin is willing to wait for him until he does.

- Looks like you are regaining your normal health, Jimin.

Jimin smiled at the doctor who flips the pages to check more into the reports.

- Not bad, Jimin. Keep it up and take those medicine that I prescribed you.

- Thank you.

- My baby is getting better!

Jimin's mom chirps but Jimin couldn't feel better about it.

- Um...

The doctor looks up at Jimin.

- Yes?

- When will Yoongi wake up? It's been 2 weeks already...

The doctor sighs.

- I wish I could answer that for you.

Jimin sighs as well, he just wants to see Yoongi being okay again. He felt a small rub on his hand and looked up to see his mom gently rubbing his hands.

- He will be alright.

Jimin smiled a little, he knows that Yoongi will be okay, he just had some more time.

' But isn't it enough already? '

Jimin and his mom came back to her home because his mom isn't letting him stay alone until Yoongi gets better.

- Jimin, dear, can you go and change? We have to prepare for dinner.

- Okay, mom.

Jimin went upstairs and starts to clean up his room, it was a mess and he wants to be a little organized. He put away his clothes and stuff and slowly proceed to the bathroom to have a shower quickly. He strips off from his current clothes and he stares at himself in the mirror, his eyes drift from his hair to his eyes, lips...then the mark on his neck.

He touches the mark and sighs, he starts to look at himself again and he noticed that his body has changed a lot since he was a teen.

The curves of his body are more defined and his arms are a little chubby along with his cheeks, the chest is puffier like cushions, thighs are squishy and chubby, more like a female body.

He sighs again before stepping inside the shower, he thought of changing his hair color since he was tired of looking at his pink hair.

After his shower, he walked downstairs to join his mom but he saw his mom on the phone. He tries to focus on himself more and walked to the kitchen to grab something. He did change his hair so he took a long time upstairs, he starts to eat what his mom prepared until...

- Jimin!

Jimin lift his head and saw his mom being surprised.

- Your hair...

- Yeah, I was looking bad in pink.

Jimin's mom smiles softly and brushes his newly dyed hair.

- Pink suited you but this blonde makes you...you. The real you.

Jimin smiles slightly until the phone rang again.

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