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A month passed since Jimin quit his job and now he spends more time with Jin and Namjoon while waiting for Yoongi.

Yoongi has started to gain Jimin's trust back, little by little and he is fine with the progress. Jimin also trying to trust Yoongi since he helps around now than being a jerk.

- So, everything is going fine with Yoongi-Hyung?

Taehyung asks while waiting for Jimin to finish his shopping. Jimin got bored of staying home since he quit his job and patrol doesn't start until it's night.

- I guess so.

Taehyung sighs, he doesn't like watching them like this.

- Have you tried to make a move?

Jimin glances at Taehyung before rolling his eyes.

- He is the man, not me.

- You are a man too.

- But I'm an omega. Omegas don't make a move.

Taehyung rolls his eyes and lays back on the couch.

- Classic omegas.

Taehyung stared at the ceiling before chuckling.

- Do you remember how you met him?

Jimin hums while tapping his chin.

- In the music room..he was playing the piano and I got into the high school that year while he was a senior already.

Taehyung chuckles.

- Yeah, we were so scared to knock until Hyung opened the door to discover us.

Jimin giggled now and sat down beside Taehyung.

- We were two pups who lost their way to class! We were new!

- I know!

- I haven't told you this...

Jimin trails off and looks down at his hands with a blush on his face.

- What?

Jimin stays quiet before looking up at Taehyung, face red.

- I actually ..walked there ..because I loved the scent and....when Yoongi...happened to be there ...I...I mean my inner self chirped..so that's when I get it...Yoongi was the one...

Taehyung was surprised to hear that from his best friend 4 years later.

- So you are saying..that ...we weren't lost!

Jimin covers his face as he blushes hard.

After talking about the past, both of them lost the track of their time until Jimin's phone rang.

- Who is it?

- Yoongi...

Taehyung leans back as Jimin accepts the call, a blush still on his face.

'Where are you?'

- At the mall, why?

'Which one? With whom?'

- Taehyung and it's the mall close to my home.

'Alright, stay there. I'll be there in fifteen.'

Jimin frowns as he ends the call. Taehyung tilts his head before poking Jimin.

- What's wrong?

- Yoongi told me to stay here and he is coming here...

- All of a sudden...

Jimin nods as he thinks but he shrugs it off and continues to roam around.

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