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Jimin slowly opened his eyes and he saw a white ceiling and everything looking bright. He got it right away that he was in a hospital and his head is hurting.

He got up and saw that he was right, it was a hospital and he saw Hoseok sitting on the couch reading the paper.

- Hyung...

Hoseok jumped off and ran to Jimin, he looks worried.

- Are you okay? Feeling good now? How is your head? Does it hurt still? Oh my goodness! You poor baby! I-

- Where are the kids? Are they safe?

Jimin cuts in when he saw Hoseok was panicking.

- Kids! Oh! They are okay. They are alphas, they only need a day to heal. But you! Oh my gosh! How much it hurt!

Jimin sighs, Hoseok is like the second Jin-Hyung to him.

- I'm fine, it didn't hurt much...

Hoseok puffs his cheeks and scoffed.

- Hey! Don't act like you didn't nearly die there! There was blood and ....and ...you...

Jimin holds Hoseok's hands and smiles at him, he knows that the other one panics when he sees anyone getting hurt.

- I'm fine, I'm alive, ain't I?

Hoseok nods but he kept his puppy eyes until both of them snapped their head toward the door when it opened. Yoongi walks in and his eyes grow big when he saw Jimin was awake.

- Jimin!

In a second Jimin was engulfed in a hug, the warmth of the alpha spread all over the Omega's body as if it missed a lot of it. Yoongi carefully traces the bandage around Jimin's head and pressed a gentle kiss on Jimin's side of the head.

Jimin stared at the wall as Yoongi hugs him, feeling kind of happy but all of sudden he felt numb because his body became sore while laying on the bed for God knows how many hours.

- Are you okay? How are you feeling? Does it hurt still? Should I call the doctor! Are you feeling dizzy?

There goes another batch of questions after Hoseok, Yoongi shoots every question he had stored in him after breaking the hug but kept his hands, cupping Jimin's face.

- I'm fine, I'm alive still now...

Yoongi sighs, he was worried all night. He sent Jimin with Hoseok to the hospital but he couldn't make it till morning because he had to take care of the unfinished matter.

Jimin noticed a few scratches and cuts on Yoongi's face as well, he had a blueish bruise on his left eye and the corner on his lips was injured as well.

- You are injured as well...

Yoongi chuckled but their moment was cut off by Hoseok who fake coughed a little.

- Um, I'll leave you two alone. I'll go and check on the kids.

Jimin nods and permits him to leave as Hoseok happily escapes the room. Yoongi sighs and sat down on the bed, facing Jimin as Jimin holds Yoongi's face before gently tracing his face with his thumb.

- An alpha got hurt...looks ridiculous

Yoongi chuckles again, he traces Jimin's hand and gazes into Jimin's normal blue eyes.

- Getting hurt for the omega who got hurt ..is like a victory to an alpha.

Jimin rolled his eyes and retreat his hands.

- Don't act as you own me again. You are still in the testing period.

Yoongi lowers his eyes and checks Jimin's condition, the hospital uniform doesn't suit this beautiful being, his hair is messy because of the bandage, and few small bandages on his hands and arms as well.

- What, creep?

Jimin's cut Yoongi's thoughts and he shook his head. He was thinking about how to treasure this being and worship him as he should be.

- By the way...

Jimin continues, catching Yoongi's attention. Yoongi hums in response.

- How did you know...I was in danger...

A smile rises on Yoongi's face as he tilts his head. He leans closer to Jimin who back away, hitting the back of the bed as he stares at those black orbs that he adores.

- We are mate, I can sense you. Your other part called out to me and I knew I had to protect you and so...

Jimin's eyes drifted down and he stared at those fine thin lips. Without a hesitation, Jimin leans in and his nose slightly touched Yoongi's as he pressed his lips on those thin ones. He always liked to kiss them and missed them no matter how much he wants to deny it.

Jimin moved his lips towards the corner of Yoongi's lips where the cut sits and gently he licked the wound, sending shivers to Yoongi's body as he enjoyed licking the wound and tasting the saltiness.

He leans back a little before connecting their foreheads, Yoongi closes his eyes as he lets the other take control of himself.

- Don't get hurt...

- I should be saying that to you, sweets.

- It hurt like shit...

Yoongi gently cups Jimin's face in his big hands.

- The pain I felt ...was like I was dying...you have no idea how freaking it hurt

Jimin was about to answer but they heard the door being open and Jimin's mother walks in, she looks worried and she rushed to Jimin before engulfing him in a hug. Yoongi steps asides to let her be with her son.

- Mom!

- I was worried! So worried! I thought ...I thought I lost you!

Jimin looks at Yoongi, telling him to give them a moment and he respected that. He left right after that and walks off before his knee haves up. He holds his face in his hands and sighs, he's feeling so weak. He almost used up his alpha strength that day so he needs time to heal before functioning again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Mom! I'm okay now! I have no place in my stomach anymore!

Hoseok laughs as Jimin's mother glares at him who instantly stops complaining and munches away.

- You have to eat to get better! You can't be strong if you won't eat! Come on finish this!

Jimin shows puppy eyes but that doesn't work on his mom. Their attention was stolen by none than Yoongi. He was surprised to see this scene and Jimin instantly had an idea.

- Yoongi!

Yoongi tilt his head, Jimin made grabby hands at him while Hoseok and Jimin's mother judges their movement.

- Are you having lunch...

- Yes!

- More like a feast for one than lunch!

Jimin cuts in his mother's words and grins at Yoongi. Yoongi was confused and he have been noticing that Jimin is being very clingy to him that he knew but it is weird this time.

- Yoongi~

Yoongi sighs and shakes his thoughts off before walking beside Jimin, who instantly laced himself to Yoongi.

- Don't leave me alone with these two!

Yoongi chuckles as he gently caressed Jimin's hair before pressing a kiss on his head, which is almost healed by now.

'1 week in and you are healed almost, you are a fighter, baby.'


That's all for now. Sorry, for delaying so much  😅

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