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Bright...too bright...

Where am I...

Jimin slowly opens his eyes when he regained consciousness, he wasn't sure what happened but he was confused about his surroundings.

- Subject 5094, has awakened.


- Subject 5094, please step on the floor so that we can check you.

I don't understand who are they referring to...is it me? What is going on?!

Jimin slowly gets up and stands on his feet, he felt pain in his neck but the white walls spit Infront of him. The man in a suit along with the white lab coats people marches in with their notepads.

- Dad...

- Son, are you feeling okay?

Jimin wasn't sure of it, he doesn't have an answer to that question.

- I don't know...I can't remember what happened...

Mr.P walks closer and pats Jimin's shoulder.

- It's alright, son. You will understand as we proceed to test you.

He turns back to the white lab coats.

- They are going to test your ability and how much you can be turned. So far as I can say, you have an amazing strength that can be only unleashed if we trail some tests on you. Since you are an omega, your body shuts down easily so the doses that they inject can't pass to you when you are unconscious.

Jimin starts to regret his decision now, he shouldn't have come here in the first place.

- I'm very tired...can we do this tomorrow...

Mr.P's face turns dark.

- We can't waste a day on you.

Jimin gasped, the white lab coats came closer with injections to inject him but he kicked them out. But he was held down when the guards came in.

- Such a disobedient brat you are. Just like your useless mate you can't put a scratch on me!

- My mate...Yoongi!

Mr.P laughs.

- Of course, your useless mate was here to save you but unfortunately, he wasn't the type of alpha we wanted. He is one heck of a weak alpha I have ever seen! He's not a true blood and he kept acting like he is the best of all. Idiot!

Jimin grit his teeth as he tries to claw that old man who he thought he's father but he got it all wrong.


Mr.P walks closed and grabs Jimin's hair to pull him to face him.

- I don't care about your mate. He's maybe laying dead by now. With his strength, he can't protect anyone.

Jimin groans, Mr.p let Jimin go and gestures to the guards to take him away.


I'll kill him

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi groans as he moves a little, his body hurts when he moves, and he doesn't have enough strength to get up. He saw that he was in a prison-like place and suddenly there was light coming from somewhere.

- Well, well, this brat is still alive. Well, we have a new mate for you.

The guards throws someone inside and he heard a loud groan.

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