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’ Hyung, he cheated. He cheated on his mate.'

- What if he didn't and ...it was a rumor like always...

Jimin stayed quiet and stares at his hands, he wasn't sure about the whole matter but he was disappointed that he have to hear such things about his mate.

- Jimin, let Yoongi explain. Hear him out, I promise you that you won't regret it.

Jimin sighs and looks up at Seokjin.

- My mom has already arranged a blind date for me...so, I guess it is too late.

Seokjin's eyes widens when he heard those words.

- Oh...well...

They heard the door opening from the other side and saw Yoongi walking towards them but he ignored Jimin.

- Hyung, it's getting late. You worked a lot for today, go and take a rest.

With that Yoongi disappeared into the kitchen while Seokjin sighs and gets up.

- Make yourself comfortable, Jimin. If you need anything just call me.

Jimin nods as he drifts his attention to his hands again. Seokjin sighs again and leaves. Jimin stayed there until he heard some clinking sound coming from the kitchen, it was a familiar sound to Jimin's ears and he exactly knew what Yoongi was doing.

He got up and went to the kitchen to see that Yoongi pouring whiskey in a glass while slowly humming to a song. Jimin stood far as he witnesses how Yoongi touches the glass's edge with his soft lips and drinks all of the liquid at once. It is his old habit, whenever he is under stress, he drinks more than a few glasses of raw liquor to wipe his stress. But he stopped when Jimin was in his life, Jimin made him put a stop to this habit but now, he is witnessing how Yoongi gulped another glass without any hesitation. Jimin's heart ached and his body decided to move on its own.

He walked up to Yoongi, snatched the glasses before he could pour, and glared at Yoongi. Jimin's omega side slightly creeped out from him but he shook it away. But that wasn't unseen by Yoongi, he saw those beautiful ocean blue eyes that reflected himself.

- Didn't you quit drinking?

Yoongi scoffed and turns around, he opened the cabinet and grabbed another glass but before he could pour into it, Jimin snatched it again and this time...his omega self came out. It's rare that he let his other side out and handle things but this time ...it felt like he needs help from the other side.

Yoongi was surprised to see the omega side of Jimin who was shy and scared of Yoongi, blue eyes slowly filling up with tears as Yoongi tries to hide the bottle behind him.

- You promised ..you promised that you stopped drinking..then why ..why are you...

- Jimin, I- uh...no..your not in your state of mind...

Jimin sniffs and looks down as his tears fell.

- I don't care! I don't like it! The human is stupid! He pretends so much! He doesn't care and let me out! It hurts when it's the time of being in heat! My whole body hurts!

Yoongi gulps as Jimin cries and wipes his eyes as he hiccups.

- Jimin, I-

- Alpha...please ..don't hate me...my human is ...he..he is just stupid...

Yoongi held his head as he stares at Jimin, his alpha side starts to creep out because of Jimin's omega side is begging and crying Infront of him.

- Jimin...no...omega...

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