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A few months passed, Jimin finally opened up to Yoongi and everything is going back to normal.

But the only problem is since Jimin was avoiding Yoongi for a long time and he hasn't renewed his mark from Yoongi, his mark is slowly fading and if it fades then Jimin can be in danger Yoongi can't help him this time.

Many rouges and alphas will try to mark him if they smell him once after his mark disappear, so that is what concerns Yoongi more.

He tried to talk about this to Jimin but seeing him being happy and jolly, makes Yoongi's heart melt and he can't bring that topic to their plate.

- You haven't talked about this?

Jin asks being shocked that Yoongi hasn't discussed this serious thing with Jimin.

- I couldn't...he looks so happy after these years...I couldn't

Jin rubs his temple and sighs.

- Yoongi, it's important.

- I know but...

- No, buts! Talk to him today! No excuses! If you want him in your life again, so do as I say. Many eyes want him, so don't waste your time.

With that Jin left the house and Yoongi sighed. Yoongi moved into the apartment where he and Jimin used to live once and Jimin also moved in a few weeks ago.

- He's right, I have to talk about this.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi came to the apartment and instantly he heard loud noises coming from inside, a strong scent of burning hit his nose as he stepped inside.

- Jimin!

He rushed inside to the kitchen with a horrified face but he halt when he saw Jimin standing feet away from the stove with an overflowing pot in there, the strong burning scent was still there.

- What are you doing!

Jimin cracked a silly smile as he scratches his head.

- I uh...I was trying to cook...

Yoongi sighs as he slowly shakes his head.

- Why?

- Because...I'm the omega..so I need to act more like a wife type than... Being the man...

Yoongi chuckles a little until the fire alarm goes off and it makes them wet.

After changing clothes, Yoongi helps Jimin to dry his hair as Jimin hums a song he knows.

- Why do you think that you have to be the wife type?

Jimin stops humming and pouts, Yoongi saw how Jimin's cheeks puffed.

- I just happen to think that ...I can't act like an alpha forever...

- But I'm not forcing you to be-

- I will carry babies soon as well...

Jimin cuts in Yoongi's sentence which made Yoongi surprised. Jimin never talked about having pups or anything about the future but now he looks so different.

- Say, you never talked about having babies. Why?

Yoongi drift back from his thoughts when he heard Jimin's voice.

- Uh...why you ask...well I thought it depends on you.

Jimin turns back and his eyes sparkle for a bit, his mouth agape as he looked surprised.

- What?

- N-No..nothing...

With that Jimin ran off, he went to the bedroom and locked himself, leaving Yoongi confused in the living room.

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