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The next few days were hectic for Jimin, the cafe was famous by now so that's why customers were coming a lot these days and there is another reason behind why there are so many customers these days. The leader of their territory has called a meeting and the other pack members are coming towards their area and since the cafe owner is a good friend of the leader, she has offered that her cafe will be the refreshment place for all the members.

- Thank you and come again!

- That's the newest addition of the west area. He looks so young.

Hoseok points out as he eyes the young boy who left the cafe. Jimin sighed and looked at his watch to check the time.

- It's already so late.

- Yeah, we have to finish this shift before joining the meeting tonight.

Jimin nods, he knows that the meeting is important but who knows what they are thinking about this situation.

- I haven't seen Yoongi for a while, is he okay?

Hoseok asked without any intention attached. Jimin turned away and walks towards the kitchen area. Indeed, he hasn't seen Yoongi for a while like he finally gave up. He hasn't shown up anywhere and it feels like he disappeared in thin air. It's not like Jimin misses him or is worried about him but the fact is concerning that Yoongi took those words seriously.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Night fell and as promised, Hoseok met up with Jimin after their shift. Hoseok wore a Hawaiian shirt and threw a jacket over it with plain baggy pants while Jimin wore a big fluffy sweater with black jeans, that goes perfectly goes well with his hair.

- You are looking so cute! Like cotton candy!

Jimin giggles at Hoseok's compliments and his eyes drift to the people that gathered in pack's park. Every area's pack members and leaders are here tonight. So, it was an obvious answer that Yoongi will be here too. It didn't take a while to catch that raven-haired man, talking to someone else. Jimin's eyes slightly shined a little when he saw Yoongi in a distance.

- Hey, Yoongi is here.

Hoseok chirped but Jimin looks away from Yoongi's direction.

- Wait here!

- Hoseok-Hyung!

Hoseok already ran off to Yoongi who smiled at Hoseok and almost looked up but he turned away in the other direction. Jimin's heart ached a little, he was expecting that their eyes will meet but ..Yoongi ignored him.

- That's what I wanted ....huh...

Jimin looked up when he saw their leader clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention to him.

- Everyone! Especially Alphas! We are aware of the threat that we have received. They are targeting our omegas and male omegas, especially in every territory! So, we have offered a friendly meeting to those rouges, to leave the omegas alone and make a peaceful place for everyone. So, I want to recruit the alphas as my companions for this friendly meeting towards the rogues.

All the alphas started to agree and growl at the same time, showing that they are interested. Jimin quickly ran to their leader.

- Leader-nim!

He caught up with him and pants. The leader looked concerned for Jimin but it quickly replaced when Jimin told him his okay.

- As you said ...all the alphas have to join...

- Yes, every territory alpha has to accompany me.

Jimin bit his lips and looks up.

- What about me! I can help as well!

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