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Jimin looked up at the building in Infront of him, he looked down at the card before heading inside. The receptionist smiled at him and he smiled back.

- I'm here for...

- Mr.Park was waiting for you. Please, if you follow me.

Jimin nods and follows the lady who leads them to a lift. Jimin's heart was pounding because he have so many questions that needs to be answered. He also feels bad for behaving badly with Yoongi but he needs this and he can't let Yoongi involve in this mess.

I'm sorry, Yoongi but it's for your good.

- Here it is, enjoy your time here.

The lady bowed at him and leaves him outside of the door that leads him to see him...his father.

He knocks and a voice came inside, he opened the door to see the old man with a smile.

- Welcome, son.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi was surprised by Jimin's sudden reaction how did he find out about the card?

- I can't let him be!

Yoongi rushed out, he called Namjoon for help Incase anything happens. He can't let Jimin go again, not again.

On the other hand, Jimin was waiting when his father excused himself. Jimin was having second thoughts, he have so many questions but he don't know why now...why his father has to come back now...

- My bad, son. I had an appointment with the scientists.

Jimin smiled slightly, he can't be sure about this man either. He can be lying right?

- Um...

- Yes, you have some questions stored up for me, indeed?

Jimin nods, he wasn't sure if he will get those answers or not.

- I understand that you are still unsure if I am real or not. Well, let me show you something.

He walked up and opened the cabinet in the room, he grabbed a box and gently placed it Infront of Jimin.

- What is this...

- Open it.

Jimin opens the box to see letters, toys, and other stuff.

- What is this...

- Your mother, wanted me back after having you because she couldn't handle a child alone. She used to send letters with your pictures and say how you look like me and all.

Jimin grabs one of the letters and reads it, he saw the pictures attached below as well.

- I planned to go and surprise you, so I bought toys as gifts but...I never dared to face your mother so...I kept them here.

Jimin traces the toys inside as tears clouds his eyes.

- Then why...

- Why?

- Why did you leave in the first place if you loved me...

Mr.P sighs as he hugs the younger one who was crying by now.

- I wasn't ready...and I was a fool...

Jimin cries as he clenches on the man, he missed his father, whenever he saw a family, he wished to have a complete family but ...he couldn't until...

- You should tell mom! She will be happy!

Jimin suggests excitedly but Mr.P doesn't look excited at all.

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