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Yoongi almost choked Yong with his alpha strength, he rarely uses it because he hates violence but when it is about his mate then he can't control himself.

- If you want to live then run away or else...I won't hesitate to rip your neck off.

Yong dug his nails on Yoongi's arm while choking on air. Yoongi groans as the blood slowly ooze out from his arm.

Jimin sat there, the pain slowly rising on his body as well. His tears are falling as he is trying to control himself to be more fragile than he is now.

- Yoongi...

Yoongi growls as he tightens his grip, ignoring Jimin's voice. Jimin gave up, he can't handle this and tried to make a sound until ...

Yoongi drops Yong instantly before turning back to Jimin who almost unbuttoned his shirt and released his scent that made Yoongi stop his action.

- S-Stop it...

Yoongi's eyes turn back to black, he sighs and ruffles his hair.

- I almost forgot about you.

Yoongi turns back to Yong who was gasping for air while holding his neck. The bright red handprint was visible from where Yoongi was standing and he felt kind of satisfied by what he did to that bastard for doing so wrong to his baby.

- If I ever see you near him, I'll kill you.

With that Yoongi fixes the jacket on Jimin and covers his chest, Jimin kept staring at Yoongi with dreamy eyes. Those ocean blue eyes were mesmerizing and Yoongi adores those eyes the most than anything.

- Let's get you home.

Jimin giggles but nods, Yoongi gathers all Jimin's stuff before picking up Jimin in his arms. He glared at Yong one last time before exiting, now his only thing to worry about is this small baby in his arms.

- Yoongi~

- Yes.

- Do you still love me?

Yoongi stops and looks down at Jimin who was pouting. Whenever Jimin's other side appears, he always asks this particular question.

- What kind of answer do you want?

Jimin's pout grows as he cutely glares at Yoongi.

- Answer me! Don't act like my human is here!

Yoongi chuckles at those words.

- Your human will kill me if I confess now...but we can have a secret, hm?

Jimin excitedly nods. Yoongi leans closer to Jimin's ear and whispered...

' I still love you both. '


Yoongi brought Jimin back to his home, he passed out on the way and Yoongi had no other choice than to bring him home. He waits for the door to open and Jimin's mother gasped when she saw Jimin in Yoongi's arm, all curled up like a baby.

- What happened to him!

Yoongi wants to yell at Jimin's mother for making him go on blind dates like that but he calmed down and sighed.

- He ...he has a fever so he passed out and I happened to be there and bring him home.

Jimin's mother nods and her eyes go soft and open the door for him.

- Come inside, it's cold out there.

Yoongi carried Jimin inside and he instantly snuggled close to Yoongi with a small smile tugged on his face. Yoongi found this cute and lead himself to Jimin's room where he knew where.

- Here, lay him down.

Jimin's mother cleans the bed and Yoongi laid Jimin in the bed but Jimin was lacing himself onto Yoongi.

- Maybe he doesn't want you to go.

Jimin's mother smiles and gently caressed Jimin's hair.

- Just like old times. He still can't have enough of you.

Yoongi smiled but then he remembered that Jimin will hate it if he see him in his house and fact in his room.

- I should leave...

Yoongi was about to leave but Jimin's mother grabbed his hand.

- It's late and you didn't bring your car. It will be bad for you to leave right now.

Yoongi wants to stay but at the same time, he doesn't want Jimin to be mad at him for staying as well. But what Jimin's mother is saying is true, he didn't bring his car.

- Will it be okay for me to stay?

Jimin's mother nods with a sweet smile. Yoongi always felt like a home whenever he used to visit Jimin's house.

- Jimin will love it, you bring him home and that's all to say.

Yoongi caved in and nod, he can't argue with her now since he made a point for him.

- I'll heat some food for you, you go and fresh up. I'll prepare some clothes for you as well-

- No, it's okay I'm good in clothes.

Jimin's mother nods and leaves Yoongi in Jimin's room where he is fast asleep. Yoongi steps closer and gently remove his bangs from his forehead, Yoongi leans in and placed a kiss on his forehead.

- Sleep well, love.


Yoongi came down after freshing up and saw Jimin's mother has heated everything that they had.

- You didn't have to do all this! I'm not that hungry!

Jimin's mother shot a look at Yoongi and gesture him to sit down.

- You look a lot skinny than the last time I saw you!

Yoongi couldn't protest and Jimin's mother already started to serve him a plate.

- Eat up, you will feel better. I should've made some favorites.

Yoongi feels like he's back home where everything feels okay like before. Yoongi misses those days where they crash at Jimin's home and stay a night before heading back to school. Jimin always wanted to do something else whenever Yoongi comes over but Yoongi stops him because his mother just stays downstairs.

- You can go and sleep in Jimin's room.

Jimin's mother says after washing the dishes, Yoongi helped as well.

- I guess I should stay away from his path...

Jimin's mother sighs and holds Yoongi's shoulder.

- You know Jimin still loves you even though he acts like a tough boy.

Yoongi nods because he knows that as well but he can't face Jimin no matter how much he wants to explain what happened but Jimin refuses.

- I know but I can't just come in his way and ruin things for him.

- But you saved him from danger so he owes you one.

Yoongi's eyes sparkle a little when Jimin's mother point that out. Yoongi smiled and nodded.

- You have a point.

Jimin's mother smiled and gently pat Yoongi's cheek.

- Be comfortable then. I won't force you.

Yoongi nods and wishes her goodnight as he stays in the living room, the couch was calling his name after a tiring day. He laid down and a sigh leaves his mouth.

- Much better!

Yoongi stares at the ceiling and taps his fingers. He can't believe he's back in this house after 2 years later.

- I wish everything goes back like it used to be...


That's all for now.

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