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- What do you think?

Jimin scrunches his nose while staring at the screen, he stared at it before looking at Yoongi with a sharp look.

- Huh?

Jimin shoved the phone away and covered his head under the bedsheets, he was discharged from hospital last week and he calls Yoongi whenever he felt like he was alone and bored. Yoongi was his entertainer and Yoongi.

- This won't do for you?

Jimin throws a pillow at Yoongi who caught it in time.

- Who told you to show me about amusement parks! I hate them!

Yoongi sighs but he chuckles, later on, making Jimin knot his brows.

- Are you losing it?

Yoongi stops his laughing before he lifts the blanket and slides inside, catching Jimin off guard as he pulls him closer by the waist and nuzzles his nose with Jimin.

- Then this is the best way to entertain you.

Jimin blushes but Yoongi kept him in his arms, the blanket over them was suffocating him by now, being this close to Yoongi again is unusual yet calming.

While they were busy in their world, the door opens and Taehyung walks inside. He dropped the bag that he was holding which caught those love birds' attention.

- Uh ...I was just-

Jimin pushed Yoongi away before jumping off his bed, he rushed toward Taehyung and engulfed him in a hug. Taehyung was caught off guard by the other male but he couldn't help but hug back as well.

- I wasn't expecting you today...

Taehyung glares at Yoongi but gives a small nod as he rubs Jimin's back.

- When did you come back! I missed you so much! You could've told me that you are coming back! You are such a bad friend!

Taehyung chuckles as Jimin hits him, his punches are soft and cute that's why he can only laugh as he hugs the other one.

- I'm sorry, I was so worried when your mom told me that you got hurt and...I couldn't stay there and rushed my way here this morning.

Jimin made puppy eyes as he sniffled a little, inhaling Taehyung's scent as he buries his nose into Taehyung's chest again.

- Long time no see, Yoongi-Hyung.

Yoongi scratches his head, he is getting jealous because Jimin is continuously rubbing on Taehyung while he becomes a blushing mess when Yoongi steps closer.

- Yeah, I was wondering where you went since I haven't seen you for a while.

Taehyung chuckles and this time he tries to pull Jimin away from him because he can smell Yoongi's bitter scent from far.

- No! I'm not leaving you!

Jimin whines as he laces himself again with Taehyung and Taehyung gives an awkward smile towards Yoongi who was glaring at this point.

- Jimin...your mate is...

Jimin turns back to Yoongi who had a dark aura around him and he smelled the sour scent, coming from no other than Yoongi. A playful smirk appears on Jimin's face as he leans closer to Taehyung and glances at Yoongi.

Yoongi formed a fist as he clenched his jaw when he noticed that smirk on Jimin's face, Jimin was spreading a sweet aroma but he can't control his scent and it was becoming more bitter than before.

- Hyung...I -

- I need some air...

With that Yoongi gets up and walks out, Jimin was kind of shocked to see Yoongi's move. He thought Yoongi will pull him back but he walked out like that...

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