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Jimin was having a hard time with this blind date of his. At first, he thoughts that this guy is nice but he started to be an asshole soon after when he got close to Jimin. He started to put his hand randomly on Jimin's body without his permission, flirting with him to the point that Jimin might slap him. But since he was willing to move on from Yoongi, this is the only way to escape.

- Say, Jimin-ssi. Do you like to come with me to somewhere great?

Jimin hesitate to answer at first because he was annoyed with his clothes, the sudden rain ruined his outfit.

- Uh, I can't stay out for long...

- I won't take much of your time, I promise. I'll be quick.

Jimin was feeling bad and he don't want to be with this person now.

- Excuse me for a minute.

Song excused himself and Jimin took that chance, he fished out his phone and texted someone as quickly as possible. He knows that something will go bad but he is prepared but this person can't be trusted at all.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi went home, soaked in rain, watering dripping from his hair and he stood at the entrance. Jin noticed him and almost yelled but paused when he saw Yoongi being odd.

- Yoongi? Are you okay?

Yoongi ignores Jin's question and started to walk, he was passing Jin but Jin grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

- What happened?

Yoongi lifts his head, eyes look a little puffy but he shakes his head.

- I'm fine, I need some rest.

Jin knows that something happened and seeing Yoongi as this like time has reversed to the time when Jimin broke things off with him.

- Yoongi, you can tell me...

Yoongi forces a smile and shakes.

- The rain made me a little emotional, that's all.

Jin knows that Yoongi is lying but since he can't help it and Yoongi won't say a word until he is comfortable, Jin is helpless.

- Oh, okay. Then go and dry yourself. You will freeze to death!

Yoongi nods and excuses himself to his room. Jin stared at Yoongi as he walks towards his room, he can't see Yoongi being so broken like this.

- I wonder what happened to you again...

Yoongi locked himself up and sighed, what he saw today was unusual. Because he never thought or has ever wished to see his mate being with someone else and that hurts him.

- Why do I have to see that...I feel like an idiot now...

Yoongi looked at the ceiling before closing his eyes. His chest is feeling like a black hole is swallowing everything that he has and he somehow feeling numb.

- Just because of a stupid setup...my life has turned upside down...why can't you understand ...

Yoongi's phone buzzed and he ignored it because he doesn't want to deal with anyone right now. He needs some alone time, all by himself. Until...


Yoongi perked his head up and heard each word of Jin's. He quickly opened his door and saw Jin, panting like he ran here and showed his phone.

- He kept an emergency list in case anything happens! I think he sent you the same!

Yoongi didn't waste and throw his wet jacket before grabbing another. He grabbed the keys and ran out, his heart pounding after thinking about what kind of danger it might be.

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