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' But I want to hate him. ..'

Next day

- Jimin, can you please serve at table six!

- Yeah, I got you!

Jimin smiles and slowly makes his way to the station. He comes back and serves at the said table. While coming back to the station, a group of three people enters the cafe.

Jimin smiles widely but it is soon replaced by a glare. He has never expected to see this group in his workplace and he never expects to see him....in his workplace.

- Whoa ~ nice place. Never knew that a cute cafe us near our office.

- Yah! Don't get too much excited.

- But, Hyung!

Jimin glares at the guy who was directly staring at him with a sly smile plastered on his face. He hates his cocky self like he owns Jimin or something.

- Can we get a table?

A guy asks who had a large baby pink sweater with sky blue jeans. A sweet face with light purple hair. He knows them but he doesn't want to get involved in anything with them especially when he is here

-Yes, please follow me.

Both of the males walk ahead of Jimin except for one. He follows Jimin when turns to walk behind those two. He slowly comes behind Jimin and grabs his ass. Jimin gasps and turns back where he met those black pearl-looking eyes with a smirk on his face. He always loved those orbs and how they reflect the other's emotions.

- Yoongi! Come here!

The other guy waves and the said male smirks. He doesn't want to let his feels and his omega self go crazy.

- Coming.

He winks at Jimin before walking ahead. Jimin was fuming in anger, he want to punch his face and make him bleed for real.

- Jimin! Orders up!

Jimin slams his tray on the counter and inhales. He was pissed from last night and today isn't doing good for him as well.

- What's up?

Hoseok asks while placing the drinks on the tray. Jimin turns back and glares at the table where the group was sitting. His eyes meet with those black ones from before.

The person smirks and sends another wink toward Jimin. Jimin scrunches his nose and turns back at Hoseok. Hoseok notices the small interaction and smiles.

- Aigoo... Isn't that!


- - - - - - - -

- I'm off!

Jimin waves at Hoseok who fakes cries because Jimin's shift is over. He and Hoseok work at the same place but their shift sometimes differs from one and other. Jimin loves to work with Hosekk but sometimes this Hyung of his gets very over-energetic.

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