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' No, it's just you look familiar. ...'

Before that kid replies, Hoseok comes back with his drink.

- Here you go, that will be 2,000 won.

That kid reaches for his pocket but someone else places their card on the desk.

- I'll pay. 

Yoongi appears out of nowhere and glances at Jimin. Jimin looks away, he doesn't want to see his face today.

- I'll be heading out. Enjoy your staying.

Yoongi exits without saying anything to anyone. That kid slightly bows to both of them.

- Hey! Wait!

Jimin quickly grabs that kid's hand and smiles.

- What's your name?

That kid smiles.

- Jeon Jeongguk, Hyung.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

- Aigoo! You have grown up so good!

Jimin pats Jeongguk's head as well as praises him.

- Ah...Hyung, I didn't know that I would run into you like this. I thought you and Yoongi-hyung would be together. Being cool and amazing!

Jimin stops smiling and rolls his eyes. He has been paired with him, he really wants to erase that.

- Don't mention his name here.

- Why? Did you two fight again? Why do you two always fight each other?! I told you not to-

- I said STOP!

Jimin slams his hands on the table which draws attention toward them.

Jeongguk also stops asking and looks down at his hands. Jimin calms down and inhales.

- Listen Jeongguk, I know you are still young and naive. But don't do what I have done, okay? Life doesn't go as you plan, it's a lot difficult...

Jeongguk nods. He was shocked that his hung acted like that, he has never seen him being like that before.

- Don't do what I did. Wait until your love comes to you, do not rush it. And about Yoongi. ...

Jimin stops, sighing before staring at Jeongguk.

- Well...we ..we are not kinda together anymore. He has his area and I have my own. So, it's better for you to...not mention him ...in front of me.

Jeongguk nods and smiles brightly at Jimin.

- I understand, Hyung. Forgive me for my childish behavior. I'll not ask about it or bother you about it.

Jeongguk bows and Jimin smiles.

- BTW, did you test your DNA? Which rank have you got?

Jeongguk shyly scratches his cheeks.

- So, what are you?

- An... Alpha.

-  -   -   -  -  -  -  -  -  -

- Who knew that kid will turn out to be an alpha, huh...

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