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A month passed since Jimin started to work at the daycare, Yoongi also started to get more international work than usual. So, they barely spend some time with each other nowadays.

- Here you go, Taesung.

- Thank you, teacher!

Jimin smiled as he watches the kids eating peacefully after the playing session. The crying of the younger reached Jimin's ears and he immediately rushed to the crib at the corner.

- Our Min-Jonnie woke up~ what does Min-Jonnie want, hm?

He picked up the crying baby as the baby tries to nuzzle his mouth on Jimin's chest, indicating he is hungry.

- Are you hungry? Let's get your bottle.

Jimin sat down to feed the baby until a kid walks up to him, complaining that she was left alone.

- I'll be with you in a minute, Sweetie.

Jimin focused on the baby as he carefully traces the baby's skin while he sucks on the bottle. He was thinking if he ends up with Yoongi and sooner or later they will want for a baby to start a family...so how will their baby look like? Will they look like him or Yoongi?  He was lost in his thoughts until he felt wetness on his chest and snapped off from his daze to focus on the baby to find out, the baby mouthed his chest than drinking the bottle.

- Are you missing your mom?

The baby cries and Jimin sighs he has no choice than giving the baby what he wants. He looks around to check if he is alone, so he slowly lifts his shirt, enough for the baby to get access and soon the baby found its way to his goal, he sucked on it. Jimin whimpered because it was unusual for him and since he doesn't know how to do it but somehow after getting used to it...he felt nice. He's body calmed down and his scent was calming as well. Even though he can't produce milk yet, he is letting the baby suck until he falls asleep.

Jimin finally puts the baby down in the crib before stretching out, he was sore from sitting in the same position for a long time.

- Jimin-ssi.

Jimin looks up and saw his boss standing at the entrance.

- Yes, do you need any help?

- No, I was thinking that you should head home for today. Not many kids are left, I can handle them.

- But, my shift time isn't over yet.

- I'm letting you off for today, don't you have anything else to do than staying here.

Jimin bit his lips before smiling at her.

- Thank you so much!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yoongi was at his studio because of workload, he hasn't spent much time with Jimin these days and now he feels devasted.

- Yo, why are you looking so dead?

Yoongi sighs as he rubs his eyes.

- I'm so tired...these files won't upload faster if I want to...

Namjoon stares at the smaller man for a few moments before patting his shoulder.

- Wanna head out?

- I haven't given much time to Jimin as well...I hope he doesn't get mad...

- He will understand.

Their attention was grabbed by the ring, Yoongi grabbed the phone and the receptionist called him that he have a visitor.

- Who might that be...

Yoongi told the receptionist to let the visitor come in and puts the phone back to stare at his monitor.

Both of the heard the knock and Namjoon got up to open it.

- Hey!

Yoongi turns around to see the angelic face standing at the door as he tilts his head with a smile.

- Hey, I wasn't expecting you here, but long time no see, Namjoon-Hyung.

- Same! Oh! Come on in!

Namjoon steps aside and lets Jimin enter the studio as he clutches his bag. Yoongi blinks a couple of times before he came to his senses.

- I'll be heading out, Hyung. See ya!

Namjoon leaves the room, and Jimin looks around before looking at Yoongi and how tired he was looking.

- Are you gonna stare at me like that, weirdo?

Yoongi shook his head as he scratches his neck.

- What are you doing here? Are you finished with work today?

Jimin nods before placing his belongs on the couch, he walks towards Yoongi, standing Infront of him as he tilts his head.

- You are looking awful...

Yoongi chuckles as he turns back to the monitor and continues to stare at it.

- I have been working for a while...

- Yeah, for a long time.

Yoongi slightly turns at Jimin who stayed in the same position.

- Are you upset? Because I'm just...

- No, I'm not upset but I am worried.

- Why?

Jimin turns Yoongi to him as he slowly sits down on Yoongi's lap, facing him. This action shook Yoongi but he gently wrapped his arms around Jimin. Jimin traces his fingers over Yoongi's under eyes and sighs.

- You haven't been sleeping much and you have a dark circle...your energy looks low And...

- And?

Jimin stays quiet for a while before opening his mouth.

- I was feeling lonely...

Yoongi holds Jimin's face as he leans closer to kiss Jimin's nose.

- I'll finish this today, I promise.

Jimin nods, he leans closer and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck to hug him.

- Be home by 8.

- I will.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Jimin didn't go and stayed back until it was dark outside.

- Hey, are you getting bored?

Yoongi asked after finishing his work, he was good to go now.

- Nope, I'm good.

Yoongi gets up and his bones crack when he stretched. He walked towards Jimin and sat down beside him, he peek at Jimin's phone before looking up into his eyes. Yoongi gently brushed Jimin's bangs which grabbed his attention.

- What are you doing ..are you done...

Yoongi smiled before leaning closer to Jimin who leans back a little.

- Yeah, I'm done for today.

Jimin slightly smiled before bopping his nose with Yoongi's.

- Great, you are still late, it's 9 pm now.

Yoongi sighed.

- Treat me to dinner then I'll forgive you.

Yoongi nods in defeat.

- Fine.

' He hasn't changed a bit. '


Sorry for the short chap. 🥺

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