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A week later, after Jimin's heat, Yoongi finally can return to his hectic days of work while Jimin resumes his workdays as well.

- One omelet coming up!

Jin and Namjoon enter the cafe where Jimin and Hoseok work, they smiled at Hoseok who was behind the counter, and almost bumped into Jimin who apologized quickly.

- Hyungs! What a surprise! Sit down, I'll be there in a sec!

Jimin smiles at them and walks to Hoseok. Jin and Namjoon sat down at the back, they were talking about work.

Jimin was talking to Hoseok about an order until the door opens and the small bell rang, Jimin turns around to welcome the customer but he stopped and he hates to see this person.

- Long time no see, Jimin.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jimin doesn't move as he stares at that person as his blood boils under his skin. Hoseok noticed Jimin's scent change and he quickly stepped Infront of that person with a bright smile on his face.

- Ma'am, can I help you with anything?

The girl kept looking at Jimin who tries to calm his nerves and tried to ignore that stare.

- Well, since I am in a cafe. I'm here to look at the accounts.

Hoseok was surprised until their manager comes running, she bows at the new girl who scoffed.

- Miss Son, I didn't know that you will be coming today.

Jimin lifts his head and looks back at the girl who smirked at him.

- I am here on behalf of my father since he was waiting for the report but you haven't sent anything to him.

Jin and Namjoon saw the commotion going at the front and quickly walked there to see that girl. Jin was already throwing his hands but Namjoon stopped him.

- Hyung, wait. If you do anything that will put Jimin in trouble.

- But! Namjoon! That girl is the main root of all problems!

- I know but calm down. We do not want any scene.

Jin huffs and crosses his arms while he stares at Jimin who was glaring at the girl at this point.

- Well, bring the reports. My father has not opened a charity shop.

Jimin was surprised to hear those words, he couldn't believe those and stood there.

- Uh..sure, Jimin can you please bring the files from my office.

The manager asks Jimin who nods without questioning her and walks back, Hoseok gulps as he stares at the girl.

- Looks like I have ruined someone's day.

The girl chuckles as she flips her hair.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jimin grabs the files as he grit his teeth. He was trying his best to be calm but seeing her after all these years, really triggered him, and all those memories that he trying to lock flowed back.

- Why her! Why her!

He wants to yell and scream but then he came to a point and he made up his mind.

He walked back with the files and his face was blank, like all of his emotions washed away. The girl checked him off but smirked and holds the files.

- Thank you, work hard, hm?

Jimin doesn't move and she leaves without any word. Hoseok quickly holds Jimin who pushed Hoseok away and turns to their manager.

- Why haven't told me that...

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