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Adele's pov 👙


My phone's ringtone blared loudly, waking me up from my peaceful slumber.

I reached out my hand sleepily, searching my bed for my phone.. I was watching a movie last night but fell asleep on it... so I guess the phone is just around.

It stopped ringing and I sighed, I decided to just forget about it and go back to sleep..

But just when I was sleeping back to sleep again, the loud blaring came again.. I angrily snapped my eyes open.

My eyes search the bed and they finally found my phone at the edge of the bed, I crawled towards it.

This person better have a solid and valid reason for disrupting my sleep!


I answered in an aloof tone, without even bothering to check the caller's ID.. I'm too angry to do that.

"Hey, grumpy Miss!"

Grumpy Miss?!

Only one person dares to call me that, I moved my phone away from my ear to confirm.. and it's really him.


"What crawled up in your pants that got you angry?" He asked.

I rolled my eyeballs.

"You!" I snapped, though in a little bit calm tone.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yeah.. who calls people at..." I trailed off and check the time on my phone.

A loud gasp left my mouth, 06:23am?! I should be getting ready for work by now.

Without wasting time, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom...

I reached for my brush and started to brush my teeth, though my phone is still pressed against my ear.

"I guess I woke you up, correct?" Arthur asked.

"Of course!" I muffled out.

"If you're just waking up, what about Jas?"

I frowned slightly at his question, his question just ignited the spark of jealousy in me..

He's falling heads over heels for someone that doesn't think of him romantically...why can't he just take a look at me?

Am I not likeable enough? I can't blame him for being blind.. after all, he's known Jasmine way longer than he knew me.

I just came into the picture three years ago, I can't compare that with their.. let's say, 15 years of friendship.

But... I wonder when he's gonna open his eyes to see and realize Jasmine only sees him as an elder brother.

"... are you listening to me?" He barked in my ear.

"Of course, Mr dog!" I barked back at him.

I heard him growled and grumbled something under his breath..

"I called Jas last night, but she didn't pick up. Do you know why?" He asked.

"Yeah.. it must be because she was too tired and went to sleep early" I replied.

I placed my brush back in its place, put Arthur on speakerphone and tossed my phone in my pocket.

"Was there any rush at the restaurant yesterday?" He asked.

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