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Jasmine's pov 👙

A tap on my shoulder woke me up from my sleep, I sat up and massaged my stiffed neck... a yawn left my mouth.

Wait...when did I fall asleep? weren't we just watching a movie?

My eyes located the wall clock in Adele's living room, a gasp left my mouth at once... It's been two hours already.

How could I sleep for such a long time? I guess the movie was too boring and I ended up falling asleep.

"Jas, they are back!" Adele said.

I sprang off the sofa abruptly, my heart suddenly skipped and some unknown fear gripped me..my heart started beating fast.

I hope it all went well...

"Jas, Clark and Thana are back!" she repeated her words.

"They're back?" I asked again.

I turned towards Davis who's already sleeping on the sofa, I carried him on my shoulder and snatched his backpack from the table.

"Em...good luck" I told her, referring to her meeting with her in-laws.

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you, I think I really need some luck"

Just then, her door pushed opened and Clark rushed in. He smiled when he saw Adele, he rushed to her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, I'm alive! I'm alive!" He murmured.

I frowned when I look in his outfit, he looked unkempt and his shirt seemed as though it was deep in a bucket of blood.

What happened? Why is there blood on his clothes?

"Is.. is that yours?" I asked Clark slowly.

He pulled away from Adele, he looked down on himself and sighed.

"It's not mine"

"Then whose?" I asked again.

In my heart I already know the answer, but I'm hoping it's not true... It can't be.

"Thana... he was injured..."

My legs are already headed the door before he could finish his words, my heart beating in a rhyme with my footsteps.

Thana's injured.. what sort of injury can gush out so much blood? Gunshot? A dagger stab?

I pushed the door open and headed for my apartment in long strode, not minding the weight on my shoulder.


Soon, I arrived at my apartment, I pushed the door open and rushed in.

"Thana?!" I called loudly, my voice echoed in the living room.

My legs inched towards the living room and I froze, my eyes followed the blood trailing from the door mouth to the living room.

Not just drop of bloods, but large pool of bloods.. how deep is his injury exactly.

Voice... I heard a familiar voice barking orders, as if my brain was damaged..I simply followed the sound of the voice.

And it led me to a corner in the living room, I stopped and watched the scene in front of me.

I forcefully swallowed the lump hanging in my throat, tears welled up my eyes instantly.

"W-what.. wh-what..happened?" I whispered.

But no one replied me, they're busy doing their job.

"... we've pulled out the bullets, get me an hydrogen peroxide and a cotton wool" ma Gloria yelled.

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