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Jasmine's pov 👙

"We're here, ma'am" the cab driver said.

I nodded and got off, I reached for the pocket in my jacket and pulled out some change.. and paid the driver.

The headed off to the front of my apartment.

I searched my pocket and reached for my keys, I opened the door and stepped in.

It's dark inside and quiet inside, which means Davis and Thanatos aren't here...

Or maybe they've fallen asleep, but it's just a few minutes past eight... They wouldn't go to bed so early, right?

My hands searched the wall for the light switch and flicked on the lights.

"Davis, momma is back" I called.

Like I had thought, there wasn't any response, it's just my voice echoing back at me.

They might be at Thanatos.. should I go get him first? Or cook dinner first?

I turned to the wall clock and sighed deeply.. it's already 08:16pm.

"I guess I'll just cook dinner first, after all he's with Thanatos.. he's not gonna hurt Davis"

With that thought, I headed towards the kitchen and rack the fridge for some ingredients.


Adele's pov 👙

"Phew!" I sighed.

Being wicked and doing wicked to others, is also like being wicked and doing wicked to yourself.

In the process of getting away, I ran all the way to the bus stop and fortunately.. there's a bus, which I just boarded.

At least, I'm satisfied with the result of my wicked act.

The bus has started moving, when my phone started ringing in my purse.. I reached for it.

It's Arthur calling, I quickly swiped right to receive the call.

"Hey, Arthur"

"Hey...where are you? Are you with Jas?" He asked.

I rolled my eyeballs, of course, the first person he would ask about is Jasmine.

That's the only reason he would call me... to ask about Jasmine.

"I wanna speak with Jas, can you please give her your phone?"

"Sorry, but I'm not home right now.. I'm not close to her" I said.

The bus stopped and a few people got out, which made me frown.

I don't understand some humans, why waste money for a distance you can walk?

I mean, we just left the bus stop a minute or two.

"...you still there?" I heard Arthur asking and came back to present.


"Where are you?"


"Where are you?" He asked again. "You said you aren't home"

"Oh, I went out.. with someone" I whispered the last part.

"Y-you went out with a guy?" He stuttered.

I thought he wouldn't hear it, but he did.

"Yeah.. you know, I should hang around guys more... I won't remain young and fresh forever"

Five Years, Too LateWhere stories live. Discover now