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Jasmine's pov 👙

The rest of the ride home was totally in silence, I didn't speak..

Even when Thanatos was talking to me, I only nodded or shook my head.

I tossed the keys and bag on the table, I walked towards the kitchen to drink some water.

"Baby, are you ok?" Thanatos asked me.. he followed me to the kitchen.

I tilted my head and looked towards Davis, he's playing with a toy car.. his attention isn't on us.

"I'm fine" I replied.

Went to the fridge and collected a bottle of water, took a few gulps and sat on a stool.. I reached for an apple.

"I said I'm going back to Chicago, aren't you gonna say anything?" He asked.

I shook my head, I took a big bite from the apple.

"You don't wanna know what's calling me back?" He asked again.

I scoffed inwardly, isn't it obvious he's going back because of his wife?

"I don't care what's calling you back, but you and Davis just started bonding.. he's starting to warm up to you and you're leaving already..."

I cut myself off, he's staring at me with a smile at the corner of his lips.

".... I'm not gonna hold you back, you're free to go.. after all, Davis has been doing fine since five years without you" I said.

"Baby, I..."

"Since you know you're be leaving so suddenly, you shouldn't have spoilt my son...you shouldn't have bought him everything he wanted"

I paused. Why is my heart aching? He doesn't mean anything to me right?

Right, he doesn't mean anything... I'm just angry because he's taking me for a fool.

"Baby, I'm just gonna be gone for three days..."

I scoffed loudly this time.

"You first left without letting me know, five years later you came back and pleaded to be in our lives... I agreed... "

My heart is aching too much, the pain in my heart kept increasing that I couldn't hold it in any more...I felt hot liquid running down my cheeks.

I'm crying....

"Baby, listen... "

"... Thanatos, are you taking me for a fool? Do you think my life is a toilet.. where you come and go as you like?"

He didn't speak, he's just staring at me in silence.. I guess he wanted me to let it all out.

"Do you know what I went through these five years? Yet I let you in again, I gave you a chance.. yeah, I get it we aren't together.. like together again as a couple.. but I've let you f**k me!"

He turned his head towards the living room, to check if Davis is paying attention to us.. which fortunately, he isn't.

"Do you think I'd spread my legs for random people? But I did for you, I let you f**k me because deep down I still trust you.. I trusted that you've come to stay with us this time, but I was wrong.. you didn't come to stay with us, you're leaving.. just like you did the other time.. you left after getting me pregnant"

"Baby, if you can just calm down and listen to me.... "

Calm down and listen to what?

"Even though it wasn't entirely your fault last time, but the fact remains that you left...well, I have nothing to fear this time, you can leave.. cause I know I'm not gonna find out I'm pregnant.. wanna know why?"

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