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Adele's pov 👙

".. so, we've managed to stabilize her condition, we also injected some ECPs and she's out of danger now" the attending doctor told me.

ECPs... that's very smart of them to flush her system, thankfully, I told the doctor what happened immediately we arrived.

I nodded and tilted my head, peeking inside and saw Jade laying unconsciously on the hospital bed.

"Thank you, doctor"

"We are just doing our job, also, whoever it is she got in a fight with.. that person must be very strong" she said.

I simply chuckled lightly, she's right though, I'm d*mn scared of Jasmine.

Jasmine is someone I don't wanna trifle with or get in her bad side, I always tried my best not to offend her.

When she's angry, she'll fight you with everything she got, she fights like a bull.

"Miss Rodgers, excuse, I have to go back and give a report"

"Oh, sure" I made way and she left.

I turned around and walked into Jade's ward, I went closer to her and sat on the couch next to her bed.

My eyes scanned every injury Jasmine inflicted on her face, I burst into fits of laughter.. she looks so funny right now.

Like, I don't even know if she's naturally ugly or if Jasmine made her this ugly.. but she sure looked funny.

On her face are kinds of colors, blue, red, yellow, purple, green.. goodness! She was badly beaten up.

If I was there, I would have advised her not to mess with Jasmine.. or even try to provoke.

In fact, if I was her being caught in such a compromising position, I would have fell on my knees and start apologizing.

"Eish! Now see the consequences of your action!" I scold her unconscious self.

"Yo, who the hell disfigured her face?" I heard Clark exclaimed behind me.

I turned around at once, Clark's standing behind me and he's staring pitifully at Jade.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He tore his eyes away from Jade, he sat next to me and faced me with a smile.. he reached for my hands.

"I was taking a bath when I heard my woman's rushed to the hospital"

He paused and started blinking his eyes, as if he's trying to force out something.

"Fear overwhelmed me, my whole body started shaking in great fear as I think of many what if's..."

Hmm.. is he performing an act right now? Or trying to be one of those ancient cavemen?

"... I couldn't sit still, my heart kept ripping apart and my hands were trembling. Lo and behold, I found my legs running to the hospital..."

He moved his hands to my face, he inspected my face.

".. baby, are you ok?" He asked.

I shook my head and rolled my eyeballs, I slapped his hands away and pinched his cheeks.

"Are you done with your drama?"

He winced from how hard I was pulling his cheeks, he tapped my hands gently.

"Let go, let go.."

"Are you done?" I asked again.

"Yes, yes, baby, stop" he winced.

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