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Adele's pov 👙

"Will you quit following me?!" I snapped at Clark.

He's being following me since I left the hospital, he had got into the same taxi I boarded.. before I could even shut the door.

"I'm sorry, ok.. it was reckless of me to think of revenging you in this way"

I scoffed.

Reaching for my pockets.. I searched for my keys, that's when I remembered it's in my backpack... which I left at Mike's kitchen.

"I'm really sorry, we can start again.. as friends"

"Sorry?! Start as friends?!"

He nodded, which made me scoffed again.

"If I had died, would you come to my grave to say sorry? Would you come to my grave and ask us to be friends?"


"What kind of friends are we gonna be then? Ghost friends?"

He couldn't speak, he was just gaping at me. I turned away from him and searched under the doormat.. my spare key's there.

I reached for it and quickly opened the door, I pushed it open and stepped in.. Clark wanted to rush in too but I stopped him in time.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

My body leaned on the doorframe, blocking the way and folding my arms on my chest.


"I said you should go back to your hotel room, I don't wanna see you.. what's so hard to understand there?"

He raised a small plastic bag in his hand, my medicines and other stuffs are inside.

"I just want to make sure you take your medicine in time" he said.

"Don't worry, hand it to me.. I can take them on my own"

I reached for the bag, but he refused to give it to me...rather he moved it from my reach.

"Medicines are not something I'm scared of, after all I'm not a kid anymore... I know how to care for myself" I said.

"I know you aren't scared, I just wanna take care of you.. at least cook something for you to eat, before taking the drugs"

"You don't need to take care of me, I'm capable"

"Yeah, I know you're capable... "

"Then leave for pete sake!!" I snapped angrily.

He's making me even more angry at him now, I don't want to see him at all.. his presence is irritating.

"I'm not leaving. I caused this and it's my duty to take responsibility for my actions... I'll leave after making sure you're ok!" He said firmly.

He pushed me gently from the way, he walked inside and left me standing there speechlessly..

My mouth hanged open, with no words coming out.

"This is my house and you're intruding!"


Jasmine's pov 👙

"That was a good song" Thanatos said.

I nodded in agreement, as I reached for my phone and stopped the music.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, hugging me from behind.. he placed a lingering kiss on my neck.

"I still can't believe you've accepted me back"

Five Years, Too LateWhere stories live. Discover now