Part 1*

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The sound of my alarm brought me out of my dream. I reached over and grabbed my phone to turn the alarm off. I dragged myself out of bed and took a shower, then as I was drying my hair I got a message from my best friend Nora.

Nora: Hey girl, drinks tonight at the purple club. 10 pm don't be late!

Me: Of course, see ya then.

I ran down to grab some breakfast but remembered I had zero energy to make anything so I grabbed my car keys and got in my car. I drove to Starbucks because I kinda depend on iced coffee as my coping mechanism. I might have a shitty job right now but atleast i have iced coffee, you know?

I then headed to my job as a computer repairer, in a store literally no one came too. I mean i have a fucking degree in technology and engineering and my entire job is cleaning soda out of computers for idiots who never learn not to have drinks near their technology, like what did you think was gonna happen?

Of course as expected maybe 3 people came in today and nothing fun or exciting for me to do. I was starting to really hate life, even more than I already did.

I mean I'm a smart and hot 24 year old. I'm supposed to be having the time of my life. I'm really gonna need a lot of alcohol tonight.

I drove back home after a long day at work and just decided to watch some tv and wait until it was time to get ready to go out with my friends. Hopefully I was getting laid tonight too so I knew I was gonna put on a hot dress and really look my best. I mean I have a gorgeous body. Why not show it off?

The time came to start getting ready so i did my makeup and put my hair up in a sort of messy ponytail. I decided on wearing this super cute satin dress that really brought out my curves:

I mean i know I'm not the skinniest girl, i have a little stomach and a little bigger arms and thighs but honestly i just kind of thought that made me even more sexy, "flaws" and all

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I mean i know I'm not the skinniest girl, i have a little stomach and a little bigger arms and thighs but honestly i just kind of thought that made me even more sexy, "flaws" and all.

I was done and decided to take a cab to the club. As i walked in the purple lights and pounding music hit me and i continued walking further into the club looking for my friends Nora and Ellie. I saw them standing at the bar so i walking over and wrapped my arms around their waists.

"Hey there, fine ladies." I said as i stood in between them.

"Y/N! Girl you look so hot!" Ellie said as she slapped my ass playfully.

"Haha yeah i try my best. So y'all ordering the shots or what?"

"Already coming up." Nora said just as the shots arrived and the end of the bar where we were standing. We immediately downed 2 shots each.

As the night kept going we drank more and more and now we were super drunk, dancing around.

"Y/N ok so to your left there is a hot ass blondie giving you some hungry looks." Nora said as i turned to look at this girl. There was no secret that i really didn't have a preference when it came to genders, i mean both women and men are hot.

The girl threw me a wink and i decided to walk over to her.

"Hey there i saw you eying me over there and figured I'd try my luck and talk to you." I said smirking as i reached the girl.

The girl smirked back at me and before i knew it we were in a taxi on our way to her house. We were making out in the backseats and honestly if I wasn't so drunk I would have been worried that the driver was watching but i was too wasted to care.

We arrived at her apartment and stumbled in and she immediately pushed me up against the door as soon as she locked it. She was a bit taller than me, not that i was super short or anything. She picked me up and i wrapped my legs around her waist as we kept making out. She walked me over to her couch and put me down and laid on top of me.

"As hot as you are in this dress it needs to go." She said as she pulled my dress up revealing my dark red lace bra and panties. She began to undress herself until she was left in her gray sports bra and panties.

She began to kiss down my body until she reached my thighs and started kissing around everywhere but where I needed her the most.

She finally pulled down my panties and put her arms around my thighs to keep me in place. She started getting into it immediately, licking and sucking my clit.

"Yes...fuck don't stop." I moaned.

I felt her grinning against my skin as she brought 2 fingers into my hole and started thrusting them in at a fast pace.

I could feel my orgasm coming closer and closer until i finally released with a loud moan. She cleaned me up and i put the dress back on as she did the same.

"So to be honest I'm really only looking for hookups and nothing serious, just and FYI." She said.

"Oh no don't worry I'm only looking for hookups too. And i now realize I didn't even get your name." I said chuckling.

She laughed and brought me a beer and one for herself.

"Maya, and yours?"

"Y/N, nice to meet you."

We talked for a while just getting to know each other. We instantly clicked and I realized that we could really be good friends.

"So what do you do? Like professionally." I asked her.

"I'm a cam girl."

"Like a porn star?" I asked.

"Haha well no. I stream myself doing, you know, sexual stuff that people request and i get a lot of money from it. Like a lot, people are willing to pay a lot of money for that stuff."

We talked for a while more and exchanged numbers because we wanted to stay friends and in contact. I took a cab home and went straight to bed. As i was laying there I thought about what she said about being a cam girl and that she gets a lot of money. I decided i would look into it tomorrow because it kind of seemed interesting, and i then fell asleep.

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