Part 28

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A/N- i had a dream that Tony stark and bellatrix lestrange fell in love in space and now I don't know how to feel


Readers pov:

Killing magnus was easier said than done. As soon as he knew I knew the truth about the soul takers he disappeared. Pussy. I had been working with the team for three weeks, trying to find him, but so far no good knews.

"So he never told you about any potential hiding place?" Tony asked as we were working in the lab.

I put down the weapon I was working on and raised an eyebrow. "Even if he did do you think he'd be stupid enough to go there? Why would he leave to someplace I knew?"

"You have a point but maybe that's exactly what he thinks you'll think? Like its so stupid that he'd go there, that he'd actually do it."

"He told me he had family in Norway and Germany, that's all I know." I said with a sigh.

"Where in those countries?"

"Trondheim and hamburg. His mom's side in Norway, dads in Germany."

"Well I'll check out those places, you never know."

I looked up when I heard the lab door open and saw Natasha walk in. "Hey Y/N, could you come with me?"

"Sure, why?"

"I just need to talk to you for a bit."

I put down the pistol and walked to Natasha and followed her to the elevator. "So what's up?" I asked.

"You know, Tony's having that party tonight so I was thinking we could shop for some clothes?" she asked hopefully.

I chuckled. "Sure, I thought something was wrong, you scared me a little." The elevator doors opened and we started walking outside.

"Well something's a little wrong." she started. "You know maria hill?"

"The agent your fucking?" I asked with a smirk and saw her eyes widen and she turned to me.

"How did you know?"

"I have excellent gaydar as a fellow lover of women. Plus i've been seeing the way you two eye-fuck eachother in the meetings."

"Wait your gay? But i though you had sex with steve?" she asked, confused and it was my turn to look at her with wide eyes.

"How the hell did you know about that? Did Steve tell you?" I quickly asked.

"Well that time you two met at that party he was actually there to try to convince you to come back, and when he came home the day after he was frustrated and had to explain why he didn't have much of a chance to talk to you." she explained. "But don't worry, he didn't go into any detail. But lets back up a bit, your gay?"

"Bisexual. And there's nothing going on with Steve, it was just a one time thing, a bit too much adrenaline and energy from the fight prior. I kinda hate him. It was hate sex."

"Enemies to lovers..." Natasha mumbled.

"Hey I heard that! And that is not what's going on, this isn't some kind of fanfiction nat."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say."

We continued walking for a bit before reaching the mall and we walked into one of the clothing shops.

"Ooh this is cute." I said and held up a black dress to nat. "You should get this, it suits you."


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