Part 20

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Steve's pov:

It had been two weeks and we still had no information about the girl. She hadn't shown up on any more missions, so we suspected she might not be a soul taker. That is until we had a rescue mission. 3 American judges taken as hostages on a boat. We took the quinjet there and parachuted down to the boat.

We fought off the guards on deck and made our way into the boat. Once we arrived at the room the hostages were in we saw them all lying on the ground, each one with a bullet in their head.

"Hostages are dead, let's recon on the deck everybody." I said into the comms. Natasha and I were walking through the hallways when a woman came out in front of us. The woman from the other mission.

"Wow small world. This is kind of like when you meet people you know at the airport. Funny." she said. "Good you see you widow, you look great."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Everyone keeps asking "who are you" but never "how are you". What a world we live in." she said with a sigh.

"Only cowards hide behind a mask." I said.

"Dude. you're wearing a helmet that covers half your face. You good?" she asked with a chuckle.

"You're a soul taker aren't you?" Natasha asked.

"Perhaps." the woman answered.

"Why won't you tell us your name?" Natasha then asked.

"Because that defeats the purpose of the mask, doesn't it?" she said sarcastically. "But if you need to know, my name is Steve rogers."

"That's my name." I said.

"What is?" she asked.

"Steve rogers."



"You can't steal my name, captain." she then said tilting her head.

"I'm confused." I said.

"Identity theft is not a joke steven." she answered.

"Enough of this." Natasha then said.

"Yes I agree. All jokes aside, call me nightshade. It was nice to see you two, but I've gotta head out." she said and quickly ran into the room next to her.

"Oh no you dont." I said and ran after her, but when I entered there was no one there. "What the hell..." I mumbled.

Readers pov:

I walked into magnus' office laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"I met Captain America and black Widow on the boat. We just had a funny conversation." I said chuckling and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

"Yeah, I listened to the footage from your pin. Gotta say it made me chuckle a bit." he smiled. Magnus has quickly become my friend over the last weeks even though he's my boss.

"Here, have a drink." He handed me a glass with some whiskey.

"Are we celebrating?" I asked.

"We have officially become the Avengers top 3 biggest threat." he said.

"Well cheers to that." I said clinking my glass with his. "Any more missions this week?"

"Yes, one. You have to get into the Avengers tower and steal one of Tony's machines."

"Really? That's easy."

"You have to do it as nightshade. Not civilian you. We can't have you becoming suspicious."

"Alright when?"

"In two days." he told me.

"Great, just give me the info on the machine."

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