Part 25

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Steve's pov:

I woke up and looked over at Y/N. or where Y/N was supposed to be. I felt the bed and it was cold so she must have left a while ago. All her things were also gone. Damn it.

I realized the only clothes I had were the suit from yesterday so I put it on and walked out the door. I put the door key on the counter and walked out to my car. I just sat at the wheel for a few minutes thinking about last night. I had been dreaming about doing that since I first saw her, and it finally happened, but she left before I could wake up.

I don't know what i expected, i mean she's the enemy. Of course she wouldn't stay. I started driving back to the tower. What the hell was I gonna tell the team?

I parked in the garage and went up the elevator. I got out of the elevator on the living room floor and saw the team sitting on the couch.

"Captain, how'd it go? Did you see Y/N there?" Tony asked, making everyone turn to look at me.

"I did." I walked over to the minibar and got a beer, even though i can't get drunk.

"Where were you all night?" Natasha asked.

"Nowhere." I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"That's the walk of shame if ive ever seen one. HOLY SHIT! Did you sleep with Y/N?!" Bucky yelled.

"Omg he did." Natasha said shocked.

"Damn man." Clint smirked.

"Can you all just shut up? Ok yes i did, i don't want to talk about it, and i especially don't want you guys talking about it." I said, fed up.

"You slept with the enemy dude." Clint said.

"I'm aware."

"I thought you hated her?" Sam asked.

"Oh no he didn't hate her, he had a crush on her. He got mad at her that time because she put herself in danger." Natasha explained.

"Nat seriously?" I sighed.

"Did you get through to her? Did you convince her to leave the soul takers?" Tony asked.

"No I didn't. I didn't get a chance to talk to her this morning either, she had disappeared before I woke up."

"Damn she hit it and quit it." Tony said, making Clint snort.

"Hah hah. She truly believes what she's doing is right. That she's bringing justice to people. At Least we know she doesn't have any bad intent and that she isn't evil." I explained.

"So there is a chance to get her back." Natasha finished. "Clearly she and Steve have some sort of bond, so I say let's use that to our advantage. We make Steve come to more of her missions and help her out so she'll be more likely to trust us."

"That's the logical choice." Bruce said.

"I'll do that, but right now I wanna beat the hell out of a punching bag." I said and walked back to the elevator. I got down to the gym and changed into workout clothes and started my workout.

Readers pov:

I had woken up in the middle of the night and saw Steve lying beside me. I immediately panicked, hurried out of bed and grabbed all my things. I texted Magnus to pick me up and after a while of waiting in the lobby I saw him pull up, so I got in the car.

"You slept with him didn't you?" he said once i put on my seatbelt.

"Don't judge me."

"Not judging, that guy is hot." he smirked at me.

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