Part 10

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Readers pov:

Once the meeting was over black widow was assigned to show me around the tower.

"So im natasha rommanoff, nice to meet you." she said as we got in the elevator and she pushed the button to the 10th floor.

"Y/N Y/L/N but you already heard that."

"Yeah, I'm happy to have another girl on the team. The testosterone can get a bit much." she said with a smirk.

"I can imagine." I chuckled.

"So where did you work before?" she asked.

"Oh just some random computer repair shop. Quit a few weeks ago though."


"Just found another way to make money."


"Something like that." I said with a small chuckle.

"Damn, good for you." she smiled.

The elevator doors opened and we walked into a big living room.

"So this is one of the main living rooms, it's where we hang out the most. There's offices for Stark industries from floor 1-9. This is the 10th floor, we have a kitchen and dining room on the 11th floor, we have what tony calls the party floor on floor 12, training room on 13th, our bedrooms on 14th, a movie theater room and indoors and outdoors pool on 15th, the lab you'll be working at on the 16th, and the rest aren't really important right now." she explained.

"Cool, mind showing me to my room?"

"Sure, let's go."

We got in the elevator and went to the 14th floor.

"So your room is at the end of this hall on the left, I just have to go check a few things with Stark. Dinners usually around 5 pm so just head there then. I'll let you get settled in." she said.

"Thanks Natasha, see ya then." I said and started walking down the hall.

Once I got to the room next to mine the door opened and out came none other than Captain america.

"Hey there captain." I said with a smile.

He just looked back at me with a blank expression.

"All Right... again sorry for bumping into you that day in the park." I said, trying to end the awkward silence.

"Ok, excuse me." he said with a sigh and walked past me, slightly hitting my shoulder.

What the fuck was his problem?

I decided to just walk into my room and start unpacking. I still had an hour left until dinner so I put as much of my clothes in the closet as I could so I could get done quickly.

Steve's pov:

God, as soon as I saw her outside of my door I panicked and tried to look as normal as I could.

Then she called me captain, and god did it turn me on. I tried to act cold but realized I had to get away as fast as I could so she wouldn't see the...situation going on in my pants.

I quickly walked down to the gym and wrapped my hands and started hitting the punching bag letting out my frustrations.

Of course it had to be her. Of course the cute girl from the park ended up being the new team member, and of course she had to be the cam girl. And I couldn't even have a normal conversation with her without getting a boner apparently.

I looked at the clock and realized it was already 5, so I unwrapped my hands and headed down to the kitchen. Once I got out of the elevator I saw everyone was already sitting down.

And the only available seat was across from her.

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