Part 7

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Steve's pov:

Bucky and I turned the car around and started driving back to the tower. Luckily we had not gotten far.

"So what do you think it could be?" Bucky asked.

"I have no idea. And when it comes to fury I never really do." I answered.

Once we arrived back at the tower and parked in the garage we took the elevator up to the 14th floor that has the meeting rooms. Once we walked into the room the saw the rest of the team standing there, but no fury.

"Anyone know what this is about? I have better things to do." Clint said.

"No you dont. And no idea either." Natasha answered.

Just then fury walked into the room. We all turned around to look at him.

"I'm just gonna cut right to the chase. I have found a new member to do the technological part of being an avenger. She will assist you guys over comms and get you information about missions, people, places, anything. She will also build new tech and weapons, improve and make upgrades to the tech and weapons and will also fix them if they get damaged on missions. So treat her as a member of the team." fury said.

"Can we get some more information about this girl?" Natasha asked.

He pressed a button on the table and a hologram type screen came up with a picture of a girl. The girl from this morning.

"y/n y/l/n, 24 years old, born march 6 1990 in brooklyn, with a masters degree in both technology and engineering." Fury said.

"Good she's smart." Sam said.

"And your dumb if you think they wouldnt get a smart person for this specific job.'' Bucky said.

"You know what barnes?" Sam said as we walked closer to bucky.

"Bring it wilson." Bucky said back.

I stepped in between them. "Ok let's not." I said and then turned to fury. "When is she starting?"

"Tomorrow. Her room is set up with all of you guyses rooms." Fury answered.

"Great, so the meeting is over. I can go now." Tony said.

"Yes, you're all dismissed." Fury said.

I walked out with Sam and Bucky and we headed down to the living room.

"I was right, she's hot." Bucky said as we sat down on the couch.

"You remember I told you about the girl from this morning buck?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about her?"

"That's her. I recognized her picture." i said.

"So I was right! Faith, I'm telling ya." Bucky said.

"Let's calm down. I wouldn't call it faith, more of a coincidence." I said, kind of fed up.

"A lucky coincidence then." Bucky said back.

"No idea what you guys are talking about, and I don't care." Sam said as he walked out of the living room.

"Well you know i'm gonna head down to the gym so see you later." Bucky then said as he also walked away.

I decided to head back to my room, and once I came in I remembered the cam girl from yesterday. And I also remembered bucky telling me you could request specific things from them.

I got out my phone and went on the website and found the same girl. I quickly wrote out a request and sent it. About 30 minutes later I got an email. From laylagirl1.

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