Part 11

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A/N- writing this on a school computer in class, let's hope the teachers aren't monitoring us✌🏼


Steve's POV:

Of course I had to sit across from her. Avoiding her will be harder than I thought I guess. I sat down without saying a word to anyone, but of course Tony being Tony he had to say something.

"So Steve, any particular reasons you're acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"You know, cold, and you seem stressed with something, Jarvis picked up on you beating up a poor punching bag for an hour."

"And why is Jarvis spying on me?"

"You've been acting weird. Having secrets, and I'm nosy."

"Yeah no doubt about that nosy part." Natasha mumbled.


"Anyways, how are you liking the tower Y/N?" Bruce asked.

"I'm liking it very much, thanks. A bit too I don't know...expensive for me though."

"Thank you." Tony said smugly.

"Wasn't a compliment." Y/N mumbled quietly so no one could hear, but of course with me and Bucky being super soldiers we heard it and I stifled a chuckle.

Bucky however did not and laughed so everyone looked at him.

"Sorry, just thought of something." He said while giving a smirk to Y/N.

"So Y/N what did you work as before?" Clint asked.

"Common question I guess. Well, I was a computer repairer." Y/N answered.

Not the only thing you were.

"Don't you have 2 degrees? I would've expected you to work somewhere a bit more..." Tony trailed off.

"Special? Yeah you would think that but you know, fresh outta college, no one wants to hire someone without years of experience." Y/N finished.

"You know that's the problem with today's job employers, they think that experience equals skills, but really you can be the best but have zero work experience." Natasha said.

"Exactly! Plus a lot of people also think that men are better when it comes to tech, so less women get hired, and if they do they get paid less for doing the same job." Y/N said while rolling her eyes.

"I'm already loving having another woman here, especially a feminist." Natasha smiled at Y/N.

"Yes we shall appreciate the women of the realms for they are strong and powerful" Thor boomed.

"Happy to know you support women Thor." Y/N smiled.

"Yes of course lady Y/N, I love women very much."

We finished eating and I started heading to the elevator trying to get away from Y/N fast but of course I didn't come far before I was stopped.

"And where do you think you're going?" Clint asked.

"My room?"

"It's your turn to clean up."

"I forgot, I'll do it now."

"I'll help since it's my first day here." Y/N said.

Please no.

"What no, that's exactly why you shouldn't need to clean up." Natasha said.

Thank god.

But of course I wasn't that lucky,

"No, I insist I want to be like everyone else on the team so I'll help clean." Y/N said and started picking up plates.

"Alright we'll leave you two to it." Tony said as the rest of the team walked out.

We started cleaning up in silence, but then Y/N had to say something.

"So what exactly is your problem with me?"


"You seemed nice in the park but now it's like you hate me. Have I done something?"

I sighed "I just don't see why you're needed." I said already feeling awful for being mean.

"Oh really? I'm pretty sure I was needed or I wouldn't have been asked to join the team." She fired back already looking angry,

"We don't need you."

"We'll see about that." And with that she walked to the elevator and got in.

Hating her is gonna be hard.

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