Part 18

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Readers pov:

Once I woke up, I quickly grabbed some breakfast and got dressed. I was nervous about going to the tower and having to lie to everyone. But they never appreciated me so why should i care about them.

I grabbed a taxi and after a while I arrived outside the tower. Making my way in was easy since I still had full access. I took the elevator to the floor with all the data banks and inserted the usb without anyone seeing me. I then made my way to my room to pick up some stuff but of course I ran into the entire team outside the bedrooms.

Just my luck.

"Y/N! You're back!" Tony said happily.

"Thank god we were scared we'd lost you for a second." Clint said.

"You weren't serious yesterday on the phone right?" Natasha asked.

"I was and I'm not back, I'm just grabbing some things I forgot." I answered.

"Y/N i'm sorry about what i said, i really am but please don't leave." Steve said pleadingly.

"Funny, because two days ago I apparently wasn't good enough for this team."

"I didn't mean it, I was just angry."

"Too bad. I have made up my mind, now if you'll excuse me I need to pick up the stuff from my room."

I pushed my way through them and opened the door to my room. I grabbed the stuff and my car keys and walked out seeing the team still standing there.

"Please, is there any way we can change your mind?" Natasha asked.

"I'm sorry, but I'm done with the avengers. Now get out of my way." I spat, now I was starting to get pissed off. I've said no, can they just let me go?

I didn't wait for them to reply, I just went to the elevator and went down to the lobby. I got in my car and drove off to my new apartment.

"Good job." I was greeted by Magnus once I walked through the door.

"What's next?" I asked.

"According to our new information there is a mission today, a rescue for a kidnapped government politician. He's the one who got one of our own men thrown in jail for simply exposing a corrupt business. I want you to go to the location, take out the kidnappers and then kill the politician. But you can't be seen."

"I don't have much training when it comes to fighting." I answered.

"Your combat training starts tomorrow. This mission requires no fighting, just a gun and some distance."

"Got it."

Steve's pov:

I was on the jet with Bucky and Natasha on our way to our mission. It wasn't far away, just upper new york but we had to get there fast. I wasn't paying much attention since my mind was elsewhere. All I could think about was how I screwed up with Y/N. I didn't even notice we had landed until Natasha waved her hand in my face.

"Steve, you good?" she asked.

"Yes, sorry just spaced out a bit."

We made our way to the cabin in the woods where the politician we were saving was. We got closer and suddenly we heard a gunshot go off.

"Shit, get down." Bucky said and we hid behind a giant tree. Natasha peaked her head out to see if she could spot where the shots came from. She quickly pulled her head back once four more shots were fired. We waited for a few minutes, and when we didn't hear any more shots we made our way to the cabin.

Once we entered we saw a broken window and the 4 kidnappers lying dead on the floor. In the middle of the room sat the politician tied up in a chair. A bullet wound right on his forehead.

"Why would someone kill both the kidnappers and the kidnapped?" Natasha said as she walked around the room.

"Someone who wanted to cover their tracks probably. Maybe the shooter played a role in this kidnapping?" Bucky asked.

"Maybe. No excessive shots so whoever did this has very good aim." I said as I analyzed the bodies.

"An assassin perhaps?" Natasha said.

"Let's call in the authorities so they can take care of this." I said and we made our way back to the jet and back to the tower. We walked in and got cleaned up before making our way to the briefing room to go over the mission with the team. Fury stood at the head of the table while we all sat down.

"So what happened?" Fury asked.

"We had visuals on the cabin when we heard gunshots go off. We didn't see the shooter, and once we got inside the cabin everyone was dead." Natasha explained.

"Stark, anything caught on cameras nearby the forest?" Fury said, looking at Tony.

"Nothing. This is the kind of thing where Y/N could have helped us, but no, steve had to fuck that up." Tony said bitterly.

"Well Y/N is gone now, so you have to find a way to work without her." Fury said. "That's all. I expect a mission report on my desk by the end of the week." he then walked out.

"Tony, I've said I'm sorry. I apologized to her, there's nothing more I can do." I said.

"Well you shouldn't have said those things to her in the first place." he said back.

"I know." 

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