Part 6

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Readers pov:

I woke up at 8 am today, which is weirdly early for me, and just couldn't fall back asleep. At 8.30 i decided to just say fuck it and go on a run. I changed into some black leggings and a hoodie and went outside.

After running for about 30 minutes my dumbass of course had to check my phone and ended up crashing into someone. I thought he looked really familiar but couldn't quite place it. I decided to head home after running for about 30 more minutes.

"Holy shit-" I yelled as soon as I came into my house.

Right in my living room was a tall man with a black coat and an eye patch. I looked at him terrified but he appeared fairly calm for someone who just got caught breaking into my house.

"Hello my name is Nick Fury, i'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D or strategic homeland intervention, enforcement and logistics division. I'm here to offer you a job." he said.

"What kind of job. I mean this is kinda sketchy, you broke into my house to offer me a job?"

"Yes, i'd like to offer you a job working with the avengers."

"And what exactly would I be doing with the avengers?"

"You'd work on new tech and weapons, you'd find out information about their missions and help them on said missions over the comms, doing the technological part of their jobs."

"And why me?"

"You graduated from college at the top of your class and with a masters in both technology and engineering, so I've had my eye on you for a while. I think you'd be the perfect person for this job. You don't have an ego like Tony Stark, and not as nervous as Bruce Banner. You seem like the type of person who works well under pressure." he said still with the same blank expression.

"Paychecks any good?" I asked.

"You'd be working under Tony Stark, take a guess."

"And when would I start?"

"Tomorrow. You'd get a room in the avengers tower and you'd be working in the lab and workshop there."

"And exactly how dangerous would this job be?"

"Very dangerous." he answered completely seriously.

"Perfect. I'm in." 

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