Part 26

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Readers pov:

It only took about a week before I needed Steve's help again. I had texted him and I was now waiting for him outside of a club. After waiting about 10 minutes he showed up wearing a blue shirt and black slacks.

"Why do you need my help at a club?" he asked.

"I need you to be inside here and help me out if I need it. We're here because a person I'm supposed to take down is going to be here. I'll flirt with him and get the info I need." I explained.

"Flirt with him? Really?" Steve furrowed his eyebrows.

I smirked. "What, you jealous? What happened at the motel was a one time thing steven. A momentary lapse of judgement."

He looked a little hurt but quickly shook it off and started heading inside and I followed. Once inside I headed to the dance floor to try to spot the target. Once I saw him in another corner standing with some girls, and I began heading over there.

I put on my best flirty face "Hey there." I spoke. I saw him looking me up and down and nodding his head approvingly.

"What can I do for ya gorgeous?" he smirked.

"Oh there's a lot of things you can do for me sir." I sent a smirk back and the other girls there sent me dirty looks.

"Well then sweetheart, i think we should go to the back room." he winked at me then put his hand on my lower back to lead me there. We entered a small room with a couch and a table and we sat down.

I put my hand on his forearm and gave a flirty smirk. "So you seem like a boss man guy. Am I right?"

"Boss' right hand man. So I would say I'm close enough." he pulled me closer to him.

I chuckled. "Well then, maybe I should get the name of this boss, they always have the most money." I joke.

"Magnus is well loaded, but you can please me sweetheart and ill give ya the money." he trailed his hand up my side. Magnus? No that can't be. Magnus told me to get rid of this guy.

"Tell me more about this magnus and I'll do whatever you want." I straddled him.

"Well Sitchel's a smart guy. Works for hydra, and is playing everyone with his soul taker bulshit." he chuckles and rests his hands on my hips. Please be lying.

"Soul takers?" I asked.

"Yeah, they think they are doing good but in reality they are just taking out people who could potentially be a threat to hydra. Most of em haven't even done anything wrong. But Magnus is smart, I mean he got that chick nightshade with him." he explained and i feel my blood go colder with every word.

Hes been fucking lying to me this whole time! I'm going to kill magnus.

I pulled out a gun and shot the guy in the head making blood splatter all over my face and dress. I heard screams and things breaking out in the club so I had to get out of there. I ran out and people screamed more when they saw me covered in blood. I grabbed Steve and dragged him outside.

"Where's your car?!" i asked panicked. He pointed over there and we ran and got inside.

"What happened?" he asked immediately.

"Fucking drive steve! The tower, now!" He did as he was told while I was trying to calm my breathing. I didn't say anything else on the drive there, I just looked at my reflection in the mirror. I haven't brought people justice. I've become a murderer, running over and over in my head.

We got to the tower and Steve led me to the elevator. I was completely frozen and wanted to throw up. I'm just a murderer.

The elevator stopped on the living room floor and we went inside. Everyone turned around and looked shocked to see me.

"Y/N. What are you doing here?" Natasha asked as she glared at me. They all walked over to me so I took a step back, hitting the wall.

"What have I done..." I mumbled while looking off into space.

"What do you mean Y/N?" Tony asked.

"He lied...he lied to me..." I was beginning to hyperventilate. "What have I done..."

Everyone looked at eachother then back to me. Natasha decided to step forward and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Who lied to you?" she asked.

I looked up at her and tried to catch my breath. "Magnus Sitchel. He's the leader of the soul takers. He recruited me." I felt tears start to run down my face. "I thought i was doing good i swear."

Tony took a step forwards "Y/N, we know. What happened today?"

"I was supposed to take out this guy at a club, but i thought "why not get some info first?" so I started asking about his boss and he told me his name was magnus sichel, and that he was a member of hydra who was fooling a bunch of people with the soul takers. He said the soul takers were not saving innocent people, but taking out potential hydra threats." I cried. "I thought I was saving people. But I was just killing people for potentially threatening hydra. They hadn't done anything wrong."

At that thought I started panicking even more. They hadn't done anything wrong. It was getting harder and harder to breathe so Steve grabbed my arm making me look at him.

"I'm taking Y/N to her room. She needs some sleep, we will take in the morning." He tried to make me follow him but I was completely frozen in my tracks, so he picked me up bridal style and walked into the elevator and we headed up.

We got into my old room and he laid me down on the bed. "Do you need anything?" he asked me.

"No..." I whispered.

"Get me if you do need anything." and with that he walked out.

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