Part 22

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Readers pov:

"WHAT?!" Magnus yelled.

"I was getting the machine when they cornered me, Natasha kicked off my mask and they saw my face." I explained.

"Well, now that they know you have to be extra careful. No unnecessary trips outside of your apartment." he sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. We can't put all of our focus on this so let's just move on and get back to missions."

"Alright." I said and walked out. I got to my apartment and went straight to the couch. I can't believe they know I'm nightshade now. I really screwed up. I looked over at my phone and saw it blowing up. Everyone on the team was calling me. Well they are awake now.

Steve's pov:

I woke up and my entire body felt heavy, like I could barely open my eyes. I then realized I was lying on the floor and looked around me and saw the rest of the team slowly waking up.

"What the hell happened?" asked clint.

"Nightshade...Y/N is nightshade..." Natasha mumbled.

"There has to be a mistake, Y/N wouldn't do this, she's not a killer." Tony protested.

"She is one now." Bucky said.

"Has she been playing with us the entire time?" Sam asked.

"My guess is no, that she became nightshade after she left." Natasha said.

"But why would she join the soul takers?" Bruce wondered.

"Soul takers are people who know someone or have been personally wronged by the government and the avengers. Y/N didn't feel like she was a valued member of the team. Makes a little sense." Natasha stated.

"Doesn't matter. She's the enemy now, and she brought that on herself." Clint said.

"She's one of my best friends, she has to have a good reason." Natasha argued.

"She killed all those people natasha! Why can't you see that?" Clint argued back.

"We've all killed people, me more the most. We have to give her the benefit of the doubt."

"Yes you've killed people, but then you became good. Y/N was good then decided to become a killer. It's completely different."

They continued arguing for a while until Tony interrupted.

"Alright enough of this. Y/N is a grown woman. She made the choice to join the soul takers and become a killer. All we can do now is either save her, or take her down."

We all went to our separate rooms and once I got in i layed down on the couch.

I cant believe nightshade is Y/N. How is that even possible? Did I do that to her?

There wasn't really much to do anymore. I was just hoping we could save her.

The next month went by pretty fast. We tried to track down Y/N many times, but nothing. It was like she had disappeared. Another mission was quickly arriving, and this time it was a solo mission for me. I had to go undercover to a fancy party and get some information from a suspected hydra member. I had to grow a beard in the last month so people would be less likely to recognize me.

I was supposed to leave the next day so Tony came by my room with a suit for the party.

"So are you excited to actually have a taste of what it's like to have a social life?" Tony quipped.

"Hah hah. It's a mission, I'm not actually there to party."

"Lame. at least have some fun, it'll be good for you."

He left my room and I took out the black suit and laid it on my couch and went to bed.

Readers pov:

I was going on a mission to take down a hydra member who was also a government representative. It was a fancy party so magnus had given me a long emerald dress with a slit on one leg:

 It was a fancy party so magnus had given me a long emerald dress with a slit on one leg:

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I was curling my hair and putting on makeup. This would be my first mission without my mask on and I was kind of nervous. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I looked good. I went outside where a car was waiting for me and we headed to the party.

Once I went inside I went straight to the bar and scoped out the party trying to find the target.

"May I have this dance?"

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