Part 5*

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Steve's pov:

I quickly changed into just sweatpants and I made an account and a username on the website so that I could watch the streams. "Icecoldguy". Tony would have laughed at that one. I went onto laylagirl1's stream and started watching.

"Hey guys, I have a little something for all of you today." she said.

She then leaned back and unclipped the part of her lingerie that was covering her pussy.

I took my cock out of my pants and started stroking it.

The girl then took a wand looking thing out and pressed it against her pussy. She then pressed a button and she started moaning.

"Oh yes..." she moaned on my screen.

I started stroking my dick faster and my breathing started to get heavier.

"Fuck..." she said as she turned up the speed on the wand.

I felt myself getting closer and closer so I started stroking faster.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I came on my chest.

I left the stream and went into my bathroom to clean myself, then I went to bed.

The next morning I woke up at 7 am and changed into a SHIELD workout shirt and some dark sweatpants. I went down to the kitchen, ate an apple then went to the elevator and took it down to the lobby. Once I went outside I started running.

I had been running around central park for about 2 hours. I looked down for a second and suddenly I felt someone crash into me. I quickly grabbed them to make sure they didn't fall.

I looked at the girl who crashed into me. She was cute, y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes.

"Omg im so sorry i was just checking my text messages and i didn't see where i was going and-." she said fast.

"Hey hey, it's ok don't worry.'' I said and kept looking into her eyes.

I then noticed I was still holding her so I let her go.

"God the one time I decided to go for a run and I crashed into someone." she says.

"It's fine, no worries, no damage done." I said back.

"Well I should keep running. It was nice meeting you." she says and before i can ask her for her name she had already started running away.

I decided to head back to the tower since it was 9 am now. Once I got back to the tower I took a quick shower and changed my clothes. I then went down to the kitchen for the second time today and found the rest of the team sitting around the table having breakfast.

"There's capsicle, come on, have some pancakes. Clint made them so they might be poisonous and with the super soldier serum you're the least likely to die." Tony said once I sat down.

"Gee thanks tony, great to know you're willing to sacrifice me." I said back.

"And no need to diss my cooking skills, they are perfectly fine." client fired back.

"Yeah yeah sure they are." Natasha said.

"Nat you too?" Clint said, putting his hand on his heart, faking betrayal.

"Just eat bird man." Sam said.

"Dude your a fucking bird too." Bucky then said.

God it's like living with 7 children. I quickly ate the pancakes (not poisonous. I hope.) and then I just sat there waiting for Bucky since we had plans to go to brooklyn today.

Once Bucky was done we went down to the garage and got in my car. Usually I'd take my motorcycle but since I'm going with bucky the car is the best option.

"So meet anyone interesting on the run?" Bucky asked.

What is with them and trying to find me a girlfriend.

"No one, just a girl who crashed into me."

"A girl? And what did you do?"

"Nothing? Should I have done something?" i asked confused.

"God dude your dumb. Have you never watched a movie or read a book? When you crash into someone it's like faith." Bucky said.

"Ok you've officially watched too many romance movies." I said back.

"Did you atleast ask for her name?" he said.

"No i was going to but she ran off before i could ask her."

"Was she hot?"

"I don't know her."

"You don't have to know someone to tell if they are hot or not."

"Well yes she was hot but that doesn't matter if she's a bad person." I said.

"Did she seem like a bad person?" he asked back.

"Well no but we only spoke like 3 sentences."

Just then both of our phones dinged. Bucky pulled out his phone and read it out loud.

"Fury needs all of us back to the tower. He's got some news." 

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