Part 3*

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I woke up and did my regular morning routine. When I went down to get some coffee I suddenly remembered what I did yesterday. And then I remembered all the money.

I started thinking and maybe if I just kept doing streams I could actually quit my shitty job. I mean I'm actually earning money from this sooo...

I ran upstairs and sat down with my computer. I pulled out my boss's email and sent the letter of resignation. And just like that I was unemployed...kinda.

I pulled out my phone and called Maya to tell her the news.

"Hey, what's up?" she said once she picked up.

"Ok so remember what you said about being a cam girl?"

"Yeah? Why."

"Ok so i tried it once i got 400 dollars. 400 FUCKING DOLLARS!" I yelled.

"Holy shit girl that's amazing!"

"I know, and i kinda quit my job and so i guess i'm a cam girl now officially!"

"Ahh, I'm so happy for you! Good for you for earning some money for that sexy bod!"

I laughed "thanks, gotta use it for some good you know?"

"Haha yeah, but hey i've got to go but please keep me updated."

"I will talk to you later maya."


I ended the call and decided that I should probably tell Nora and ellie.

Me: hey guys i have some news...

Nora: omg are you dying?!

Me: what? No. god nora

Ellie: whats up y/n?

Me: ok so i might have quit my job.

Nora: WHAT

Me: and i might have become a cam girl...

Ellie: like a sex streamer?

Me: yup

Nora: Wait, really?

Me: yes

Ellie: good for you, getting that bag💰

Nora: yeah honestly i've heard you can get a lot of money from that

Me: one stream. 400 dollars.

Ellie: your fucking with me

Me: nope 400 goddamn dollars!💵

Nora: ooh rich girl treat us to some fancy dinner😘

Me: of course i will but right now i gotta go. It's time to chill and do absolutely nothing.

Me: peace out✌🏼

I decided to just have a me day. Painting my nails, eating some homemade pasta and taking a bath.

I then thought about doing another stream. I mean, more money you know?

I walked into my closet and put on the same stuff as yesterday. The lingerie and the mask. I decided to spice up the stream a little. I grabbed the vibrator and put it next to me while I set up my laptop in front of me on the bed.

I started the stream and immediately people started joining.

"Hey guys i have a little something for all of you today." I said as sexy as I could.

I leaned back and unclipped the part of the lingerie that was covering my pussy.

I put the wand against my clit and turned it on.

"Oh yes..." I started moaning.

I noticed donations started coming in and comments but I didn't really read them.

"Fuck..." I turned up the speed on the wand.

Hotworkerdude: sexy

Niceguy: thats hot.

50 dollar donation

70 dollar donation

Donttellmywife: god I'm getting hard from this.

"Shit!" I yelled as I came.

"Thanks again for tuning in, I'm going to try to stream every day so come back tomorrow."

I ended the stream and looked at today's donations.

"675 DOLLARS! HOLY SHIT YES!" I yelled. "Damn this is a great day."

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