Part 21

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Steve's pov:

"She called herself nightshade." Natasha said as we were briefing the missions. "I suspect she's the one who took out the politicians and the kidnappers in the cabin. Same way of killing people, and same bullets and gun model as the judges."

"Nightshade, as in the deadly plant? Clever. Any new information about her?" Tony asked.

"Other than that she's annoying with a sarcasm level that rivals yours stark? We found out she is a soul taker. and she was able to disappear without a trace." I answered.

"God these soul takers. They are another level of annoying." Clint said.

"Won't argue about that." Natasha said back.

We ate dinner and after that I made my way to the gym with Sam and bucky. Once we got there I wrapped my hands and got to work on the punching bag.

"Heard anything about Y/N?" I heard Sam ask Bucky behind me.

"Nothing. I hope she's ok, I really liked her." he answered.

I started punching the bag harder at the thought of Y/N. I could feel my knuckles starting to bleed and before I knew it the bag went flying across the room. I was breathing heavily as I went to grab a new bag.

"Woah steve," Sam stopped me. "Maybe take a breather, or a run before you destroy more bags."

"It'll be fine." I said back.

"What's on your mind pal?" Bucky asked.

"Nothing. Just nightshade, and how we can get rid of her." I lied.

"Trust me, we all want her gone, but destroying tony's punching bags isn't helping anyone." Sam said.

"Fine. I'm going to bed." I said and walked out of the gym.

The next day we just focused on trying to find out more about the soul takers and nightshade. Nothing much came up, just that there was no information about her until around two months ago.

She was basically a shadow, she disappeared as soon as she would arrive. She was like a ghost. She was good at covering her tracks. I'll give her that.

We spent the entire day trying to find anything at all, but nothing.

Readers pov:

I was in my mission outfit and on my way to the avengers tower. I arrived outside and scanned the building, noticing a window open a few floors up. As a tech genius I of course had a machine to get up there. I climbed through the window and hid behind the door in the room as someone passed me. Once they were gone I started making my way through the hallway.

I knew that as soon as I used the elevator the avengers would be notified by Jarvis so I went for the stairs. I was climbing the stairs when I heard the door to the staircase open on the floor above me, so I quickly went through the door on the floor I was on and hid. When I heard them go through the door a few floors down I went through the door and started heading up. I got to the floor with the labs and went inside scouting for people.

When I saw the coast was clear I got into the lab and quickly found the machine and put it in my tech backpack. I headed out the door and was making my way to the stairs when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

I turned around and saw the entire team standing there in their gear.

"Nightshade, nice to finally meet you." Tony said in his iron man suit.

"Ah, Tony stark. Sorry to intrude, I just had to borrow something. I hope you don't mind." I said back.

"Actually I do." he said and used his repulsor to shoot at me but i quickly ducked.

"And I thought we were becoming friends." I said sadly.

I got out my gun and began shooting at them. They came running at me and started attacking. I was able to defend myself for a while until Natasha managed to kick my face, causing my mask to get knocked off.

I looked up and saw everyone's eyes widen.

"Now was that necessary natasha?" I asked fake hurt. Using the surprise to my advantage I quickly grabbed one of my machines and threw it on the floor. "Looks like i've shocked you." I smirked just as the machine went off electrocuting everyone, causing them to fall unconscious to the floor.

I ran to the stairs and made my way to the soul takers building, and into magnus' office.

"They know who I am."

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