Part 16

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Readers POV:

I can't fucking believe Steve. Why is he always such a damn asshole? I'm done with this team, I'm never appreciated when I do everything to make sure everyone is alright on missions.

After Natasha went out of my room my phone started ringing. An unknown number. I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello there. My name is Magnus Sitchel, and I have an offer for you."

"What kind of offer?"

"You're not looked at as a member of your team. You're never appreciated. I want to give you that. I want you as a valued member of my team."

"What kind of team are we talking about?"

"Don't concern yourself with that. We want you. I'll text you an address, meet me there at 8 pm tomorrow. Well never make you feel unappreciated."

That was the last I heard before he hung up. I looked at the address and saw it was a street I knew. What could go wrong by going there and just checking it out? I'm clearly not valued here so why stay.

I got out of bed slowly because my thighs obviously hurt. I got to my room and started packing my things. Once everything was packed I texted Nora to pick me up. I quickly wrote a note saying I'm leaving and put it on my bed. I took my most important things with me in two suitcases and got in the elevator and went down to the lobby.

Ten minutes later Nora pulled up and I got in the car.

"What's going on, are you ok?" She asked.

"Well I got shot so my thigh hurts, and I just left the avengers so..."

"SHOT?! What the hell Y/N?"

"I'm fine now, I just want to get away from here. Can I stay at your place for a bit?"

"Of course." She said and started driving to hers.

Once we got there I headed to her guest room to get some sleep.

The next day I took some pain meds and ate some breakfast with Nora. She then had to get to work and I didn't have anything to do. I decided to just watch some tv for a couple of hours.

At 5 pm my phone started ringing and Natasha's name popped up on my phone.

"Hey." I said as I picked up.

"Where the hell are you? I figured I'd give you some time but when I walk into your room I see most of your stuff missing and a note. You're not actually leaving right?"

"I'm sorry nat I just don't feel valued as a member of the team."

"Don't think about what Steve said, he's sorry."

"No he isn't. He's been treating me like a piece of shit ever since I joined, and I just don't want to be around that anymore. I don't want to be on the team so I left."

"Y/N please, your one of my best friends just come back to the tower and we'll make Steve apologize."

"Nat, you're one of my best friends too, but I'm not coming back." I didn't give her a chance to answer before I hung up.

God what am I doing.

Once the clock hit 7.30 pm I headed out to my car and drove to the address I was given. It was in a sketchy alley but whatever. I walked in and was greeted by a tall man with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Ah Y/N. So nice to meet you in person."

"Magnus I'm guessing?"

"Correct. I'm happy you decided to come meet me here. I think you'd be a great member of our team."

"Tell me more about this team."

"We call ourselves the soul takers."

"Yeah, that totally doesn't give bad guy vibes."

"I'm not saying we're the good guys. At least not in the eyes of the law. But we're not bad people. We want justice from the government. They have taken and arrested so many people who were just trying to do the right thing. The avengers too, they think they're such good guys, but they don't care about the casualties. My brother was killed because of the avengers during the New York battle."

"I'm sorry about that."

"I am too. The government and the avengers are our enemies. Hydra too, forcing people to become their soldiers against their wills."

"So what exactly is it you guys do?"

"We take down the real bad guys and free or bring justice to the innocent. If you decide to join, just know you'll be a criminal. Or a bad guy to the government."

"I don't care about that. I want to help save the innocent."

"So your answer?"

"I'm in."

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