Part 17

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Steve's pov:

I'm an idiot. I drove Y/N away and now she's gone. It's my fault.

"Does anyone know why Y/N would leave?" Tony asked once we were all in the living room.

"Steve, do you have anything to say?" Natasha asked, looking at me angrily.

"Wait, it's Steve's fault?" Bucky asked.

"Steve told Y/N that she was to dumb to follow simple instructions and that she wasn't good enough to be a member of this team.'' Natasha said, still angry.

"I tried to apologize to her." I sighed.

"After you yelled at her right after she woke up from surgery, which she was in because she was helping people." Natasha spat.

"What the hell rogers? Y/N was a great member of the team, she has helped us so much and you treat her like that? No wonder she left." Tony said, now he was angry too.

"I got angry. I was mad at her for putting herself in danger and I acted stupidly. Im sorry."

"Don't apologize to us. You have to get Y/N back." clint said.

"To change the topic for a second, rogers were still pissed at you, these soul takers are growing more and more. They are becoming a serious threat to us and the government. Any ideas?"

"How much of a threat can they really be? They don't do much." Clint said.

"They are killing government representatives, freeing criminals and sabotaging our missions. I'd say they do a lot." Natasha said.

"So we have to take them down." I said.

"Rogers, shut it your on time out, and obviously we have to take them down, that's pretty clear." Tony said, rolling his eyes.

"Well discuss this another day, right now let's just go to sleep, I'm tired." Natasha said and walked out of the room.

"I agree with nat. Night guys." Clint said, and soon everybody was heading back to their rooms.

Readers pov:

"So first mission, get into the avengers tower and put this usb in one of the data banks." Magnus said, handing me a usb stick.

"Should be easy enough. What do you plan to do with this?" I asked.

"Well get the info about their missions so we can sabotage them. If they fail enough times the government will break up the avengers, meaning we have one less enemy to think about."

"I'll get it done tomorrow."

"Perfect. And we wouldn't want your friend Nora to know about this so we've fixed you an apartment. Here's the key and the address." Magnus said, giving me the key and a note.

I headed back to Nora's and got my stuff. As I was about to walk through the door Nora came in looking at my bags.

"Are you leaving?" she asked.

"Yes I was lucky another friend fixed me up with an apartment, but only if I agreed to move in today." I lied.

"Oh well alright, I'll see you." she said and hugged me.

I went outside and grabbed a cab since I realized I had forgotten my car at the tower. Good excuse for being there tomorrow though.

I got to my new apartment building and went up to the top floor. I quickly find my door at the end of the hallway. Walking in I saw it was a good sized apartment. As soon as you walk in there's an open space and if you walk in a bit more there is a kitchen to the left, and to the right is a couch with a tv. Next to the tv was a short hallway with a bedroom on the left side, a spare room on the right and a bathroom in the end of the hallway.

"I might be a criminal now, but at least I have a nice living space." I said to myself.

I decided to get some sleep so I took a shower and changed into shorts and a t-shirt and went to bed, falling asleep quickly.

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