Part 24*

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A/N- i got completely carried away with this one so enjoy a longer chapter


Readers pov:

We hurried out of the party location and quickly got into Steve's car. I didn't really want to go with him but I had to lay low for the night in case anyone recognized me from the party.

"Soo, how have you been?" he asked awkwardly.

"Please don't start with the small talk, I'm only going with you to be extra safe."

"Alright then."

We kept driving for about 15 minutes in silence and then we finally pulled up outside a small motel. We didn't have anything with us so we just got out of the car and went inside to the lobby.

"Can we get a room with two beds please?" Steve asked the lady behind the contour.

"Oh I'm sorry sir, we only have one room left and it's one bed." she told him.

He looked at me with an unsure expression but I just rolled my eyes. I grabbed his wallet and slammed some money on the contour making the lady jump. "Well take it."

She looked at me a little scared but handed me the keys which I snatched. I started walking down the hallway to the room. With only one bed. Which I had to share with a guy I hated. Great.

"You didn't have to act like that." he said once we reached the door.

"I'm already hating this situation steven, I don't have time to be nice." I walked into the room and laid down on the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower." he said and walked into the bedroom.

I got up and started looking for someplace to put my weapons and jewelry. I decided to just put them on the desk, so I took off my thigh holster and unclipped my earrings. I sat down on the chair and looked into the mirror and saw a small cut on my cheek with some blood dripping down so I just wiped away the blood. I heard the bathroom door open and saw Steve walk out in just his boxers.

I know he's my enemy and all but damn. I wonder if the super soldier serum enhanced everything, if you get me. I got up and started taking off my dress.

"Wow wow, what are you doing?" he asked and turned around.

"I can't sleep in this dress. What's the matter steven? Never seen a girl in her underwear?" I chuckled.

He turned around with a scowl but quickly saw me in just a black bra and panties and looked away.

"Aw i knew it. Golden boy's a virgin." I chuckled.

He looked at me again and didn't look away this time. "I'm not a virgin."

"Sure you aren't." I teased.

"I've had sex." he stated.

"No no, I believe you." I smirked.

"Y/N..." he warned.

"What? I'm totally convinced." I said, still smirking and putting my hands up in defense.

Before I knew it I was pushed up against the wall with my hands pinned over my head with one of his hands. I looked at Steve with wide eyes.

"Do I need to convince you then?" he smirked.

All I could do was swallow while I waited for my brain to restart.

"Not so cocky now huh night?" he said while trailing his hand down my side until he reached my hip. My brain was complete mush and I tried to come up with a snarky comment.

I felt his hand fiddle with the hem of my panties when I finally found my voice again.

"I'm actually not convinced yet." I smirked at him.

"Well I guess we have to change that, don't we?" he dipped his hand into my panties and began teasing my clit. I held back a moan but a small whimper still came through.

He circled his fingers and then dipped them into my entrance.

"Already so wet huh? Good girl." he praised and I could feel my insides flutter at his words.

He pushed his fingers slowly in and out, stretching me out. I couldn't hold back my moans anymore as he began to push them in faster.

"Seems like someone likes my finger huh? Just wait till you get my cock princess." he said cockily.

He pushed me closer and closer to the edge and just as I was clenching around his fingers, about to let go, he pulled them out. I narrowed my eyes at him but he just smirked and licked his fingers. God that's hot.

"Let's get rid of these shall we?" he said and unclipped my bra and dragged the straps down my arms. His eyes widened a bit when he looked at my boobs and I smirked at him.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" I said with a teasing chuckle. "I thought you were supposed to prove me wrong but I'm not really convinced yet."

His eyes snapped to mine. "Oh really?"

Before I could answer he had picked me up by the backs of my thighs and I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist so I wouldn't fall. He walked over to the bed and dropped me down and I scooted to the middle of the bed.

"Let's see what you have to say in a few seconds." He took hold of my panties and ripped them right off.

"Hey, I liked those." I pouted.

"I don't give a shit."

He pulled down his boxers and I saw his cock spring out. Oh fuck. The serum does enhance everything.

He got on the bed and crawled over me and positioned his cock at my entrance.

"Wait Steve, you're really big, I don't know if it'll fit." I said.

"You can take it." he said and started pushing in slowly.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the stretching and waited until he was fully in. Once he was in he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Good girl, I knew you could take it."

He started pulling out slowly only to quickly thrust in again causing me to moan. He kept doing that a few times and once he got a good rhythm in he started picking up the pace.

"Oh yes..." I moaned.

"God you feel so good princess."

"Harder please-" I whined.

"I don't know, you convinced yet princess?" he smirked.

I let out a breathy chuckle. "Not sure."

"Oh well should i stop then and leave you like this?" he slowed down.

"NO! No, I'm convinced, please don't stop!" I begged.

He chuckled. "Such a needy little thing." he started fucking me even faster making me grip the sheets underneath me.

"You just needed some cock to behave huh?"

He grabbed my thighs and sat back on his heels causing the lower half of my body to be in the air. He started thrusting again and gripped my thighs so hard I knew there were going to be marks there tomorrow but right now I didn't care.

"You close princess?" he panted.

"Yes, so close, please make me cum captain." I begged.

He grunted at my words and went as fast as he could.

"Oh fuck, im gonna cum!" I moaned loudly and I let go.

"Shit-" he grunted and stilled. I felt him finish inside of me and then he pulled out and walked to the bathroom.

I was trying to catch my breath when I felt a hot towel clean me up. Once he was done he laid in bed beside me and pulled me close to him. It didn't take long for both of us to fall asleep.

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