Part 23

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Readers pov:

"May I have this dance?"

I turned around and saw Steve standing there. No one from the avengers was supposed to be on this mission, what is he doing here? I tried not to freak out so I kept a stoic face.

"Steven. Funny meeting you here." I smirked.

"You too nightshade. That is who you are now, right?"

I swallowed trying to keep my cool. I smirked once more before i answered,

"You can say that. So what are you doing here?"

"How about we talk about that while we dance?" he smirked back. What's his agenda?

I took his hand as he led me to the dance floor. He put his right hand on my waist while holding his left hand in my right. I put my other hand on his shoulder as we began to sway.

"I'm here to get information on a suspected hydra member, Harold Ekner." he said.

"He's not suspected, he is a hydra member, and I'm here to take him out." I answered.

"Why did you become a murderer?"

"Don't act all innocent cap, you're one too."

"I do it to protect people."

"So do I. I only take out people who have wronged someone. I bring people justice." I said while tilting my head.

"How have they wronged people?" he asked.

Is he actually trying to hear me out?

"They have wrongfully accused, sentenced and executed people who were only trying to do the right thing. People get arrested or blamed for protecting themselves or their loved ones."

He looked at me sadly. "I'm really sorry about what I said."

"This isn't about me. I want to help people." I said sternly.

"This isn't the way to do that Y/N."

"I'm doing what I believe is right. I don't have to explain myself to you." I scowled.

"I'm putting aside our differences for now. I'll help you with this mission, because if your right and harold is a hydra member-"

"He is." I interrupted.

"Well then I agree, he needs to be taken out. We'll work together for this one."

"I'm surprised, golden boy. At this point i thought you'd literally let America fuck you, so good to see you have some bad in ya." i smirked.

He looked away with a chuckle and tightened his grip on my waist a bit. "Don't get used to it night."

"Ooh a nickname, I guess you really can let loose." I teased.

We kept on dancing for a while until Steve spotted Harold behind me.

"I have eyes on him. You go after him, I'll follow you." he said.

I started walking in the direction where I saw him going. I followed him down a dark staircase and kept going down a hallway. I saw him enter a room so I looked behind me and saw Steve standing at the bottom of the staircase with his shield. Where the hell did he get that from?

I arrived at the door I saw Harold walk into and quickly checked my thigh where I had my knives and a gun.

"Hey there Mr. Ekner." I walked in with a flirty smile.

"Can I help the gorgeous lady?" He gave me a dirty smirk. Gross.

"I was told you were going to be here. I was booked for tonight, if you know what I mean?" I put my hands on the desk he was behind and leaned forward showing off my cleavage, and he had no shame in staring right at them.

"Well if it isn't my lucky day." he walked over to me and put his hand on my waist pulling me into him.

That's when a shield flew right by my face nearly hitting me, luckily it hit Mr. Ekner and he were now lying unconscious on the floor.

"What the hell steve?" I yelled at him angrily.

"What was that? You flirting with him and letting him touch you?" he glared at me.

"I was trying to get some information out of him before I killed him, you Idiot." I quickly pulled out a gun and shot Harold once in the head without taking my eyes off of steve.

His eyes widened and he looked down at the body and up at me again. "You didn't even look or flinch..." he mumbled.

"I'm good at my job. Now let's go, someone definitely heard the gunshot so we have to get out of here." I said and grabbed his arm dragging him with me through the hallway.

"I know a motel not too far away we can stay at for the night." he said as we made our way up the staircase.

"Great, let's go there." I opened the door at the top of the staircase and we were immediately greeted by a bunch of guards with guns.

"This is why I work alone." I sighed annoyed and pulled out one of my knives and threw it at one of the guards. It hit his neck and he fell down to the floor. I started attacking the guards with my knives while Steve hit them with his shield.

One of them came running up behind Steve so I quickly threw my knife and he went down. Steve turned around and saw the body and shot me a thankful nod. We kept on fighting them until there were three of them left.

"I tried to drag this out because it was fun, but now it's just boring." I checked my nails while firing three shots without looking. I heard three thumps and looked over to Steve who was already staring at me.

"So where's the motel?"

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